After taking a long break (5 years to be exact) I’m back creating miniatures again. 🙂 Dennis Nordman asked me to build his She Shed Kit which is based off of a real life Garden Shed. I’d been posting pictures of the real life one on Facebook for years whenever I found a new picture of it and was so happy to find out Dennis made a kit based off of it. I will blog step by step of my building it next week. For now, you can enjoy this short video I created on YouTube. This will be for sale this coming Fall. Thank you for stopping by! ~ Tracy Topps 🌷💗
Friday, August 9, 2019
Friday, November 21, 2014
New OOAK Tudor Custom Dollhouse For Sale
Today, I'm posting about this house that I was able to build. This is a bashed (edited) Primrose Cottage dollhouse. It's now for sale on eBay.
🌷🌷 It’s SOLD🌷🌷
Here's the description
I made the Wisteria Vine with delicate flower blooms and realistic leaves with branches just like a real one does. There are over 100 tiny colorful flower petals scattered across the front of the yard. The herringbone brick walkway also add some extra eye candy & charm to this cozy cottage. The upper outside Dormer window was hand created by me and has a cute bird perched there taking in the beauty around it. The upper walls has stucco with exposed brick peeping through. This Cottage is extremely Charming!
Moving on to the insides of this cottage, there has been things added to customize and add a touch "charm". The wood floors upstairs were painted white and the lower level floor has a stone pattern that was hand cut by me (not real stone). The walls are stucco and trimmed in white wood and there is 2 hanging light fixtures and 1 outlet on each floor.
This was a fun house for me to build. The dream house is 1" scale and the measurements are 14" W x 19"H x 14 1/2" D (including the yard). This house is 1" scale (1" = 1' scale). Here's the link to the eBay auction:
🌷🌷 It’s SOLD🌷🌷
Here's the description
Birds & Butterflies are little creatures you'll see peeping around this cute little cottage!
Sometimes, I get so excited about a project when it begins to look like what I saw in my minds eye and this house did not disappoint me. It has been electrified so all of the lights and the outlets work and come on when plugged in (Transformer and lead in wire not included in this auction). The outdoor lamp has pretty red flowers in full bloom with a fluttering butterfly stopping by to taste it's nectar. The flower box under the lower window is also full of flowers.
The roof tiles, stones and brick and even the grassy base are all created using creative paperclay. I hand sculpted and then hand painted each and every shingle, stone & brick various colors to create the realistic & fantastical dream cottage you see pictured right here. Many long hours went into creating this house that can be passed down as a family heirloom
Sometimes, I get so excited about a project when it begins to look like what I saw in my minds eye and this house did not disappoint me. It has been electrified so all of the lights and the outlets work and come on when plugged in (Transformer and lead in wire not included in this auction). The outdoor lamp has pretty red flowers in full bloom with a fluttering butterfly stopping by to taste it's nectar. The flower box under the lower window is also full of flowers.
The roof tiles, stones and brick and even the grassy base are all created using creative paperclay. I hand sculpted and then hand painted each and every shingle, stone & brick various colors to create the realistic & fantastical dream cottage you see pictured right here. Many long hours went into creating this house that can be passed down as a family heirloom
I made the Wisteria Vine with delicate flower blooms and realistic leaves with branches just like a real one does. There are over 100 tiny colorful flower petals scattered across the front of the yard. The herringbone brick walkway also add some extra eye candy & charm to this cozy cottage. The upper outside Dormer window was hand created by me and has a cute bird perched there taking in the beauty around it. The upper walls has stucco with exposed brick peeping through. This Cottage is extremely Charming!
Moving on to the insides of this cottage, there has been things added to customize and add a touch "charm". The wood floors upstairs were painted white and the lower level floor has a stone pattern that was hand cut by me (not real stone). The walls are stucco and trimmed in white wood and there is 2 hanging light fixtures and 1 outlet on each floor.
This was a fun house for me to build. The dream house is 1" scale and the measurements are 14" W x 19"H x 14 1/2" D (including the yard). This house is 1" scale (1" = 1' scale). Here's the link to the eBay auction:
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Medieval Miniature Dollhouse Castle Created in 2012
I was looking at my blog again today and realized I have so many things Ive created over the past few years but have never blogged about it. One of them is a Medieval Castle Tower I made from scratch for a Client of mine. One day she sent me a message asking me what I was working on. At that moment, I wasn't working on anything and had decided to take time off that year to create only things and ideas that had been stuck in my head for years. The idea of a Castle tower thrilled her.
Her Castle tower was inspired by Rik Pierce's "Norman Castle" class he did at the Tom Bishop show. I saw it the first time I attended the Bishop Miniature show. I was so very excited about it because he told me he had taught it as a class project. The sad part was that I missed out on it but he told me he would do another class the following year.
Well, the next Spring, I took the class "Snape's Dungeon". I was hooked on Creative paper clay form that time forward. The problem was, I couldn't keep the Tower out of my head. I sent an email to Rik about it and he sent me pictures of his tower and sold me the casts from it. He told me he had faith that one day I could create my own version of that Castle. Seven years later, I took out that picture and created my version of it. I called it the "Dragon Castle Tower".
My castle was wider and larger because I wanted more space for my customer to decorate it. I didn't do a Moat or drawbridge. But we were both very pleased with how it turned out. She had a doll artist create several dolls for it and shared pictures of them with me via Facebook last year sometime. Here are the pictures of my Tower. I plan to make another one in the future. There are things I want to change on it.
Anyway, I thought I'd share this because it is a piece of work that I haven't shared here online. I post most things on InstaGram now. You can visit me there by clicking here. MinisOnTheEdge Instagram. I was happy I started on it before I had my car accident later that year. Had I waited, It probably wouldn't have been built.
Thank you for stopping by to read my blog. Wishing you all a Fabulous day.
Tracy Topps
Her Castle tower was inspired by Rik Pierce's "Norman Castle" class he did at the Tom Bishop show. I saw it the first time I attended the Bishop Miniature show. I was so very excited about it because he told me he had taught it as a class project. The sad part was that I missed out on it but he told me he would do another class the following year.
Well, the next Spring, I took the class "Snape's Dungeon". I was hooked on Creative paper clay form that time forward. The problem was, I couldn't keep the Tower out of my head. I sent an email to Rik about it and he sent me pictures of his tower and sold me the casts from it. He told me he had faith that one day I could create my own version of that Castle. Seven years later, I took out that picture and created my version of it. I called it the "Dragon Castle Tower".
My castle was wider and larger because I wanted more space for my customer to decorate it. I didn't do a Moat or drawbridge. But we were both very pleased with how it turned out. She had a doll artist create several dolls for it and shared pictures of them with me via Facebook last year sometime. Here are the pictures of my Tower. I plan to make another one in the future. There are things I want to change on it.
Anyway, I thought I'd share this because it is a piece of work that I haven't shared here online. I post most things on InstaGram now. You can visit me there by clicking here. MinisOnTheEdge Instagram. I was happy I started on it before I had my car accident later that year. Had I waited, It probably wouldn't have been built.
Thank you for stopping by to read my blog. Wishing you all a Fabulous day.
Tracy Topps
Monday, March 10, 2014
Pretty Faux Dollhouse Bed Tutorial By Tracy Topps
I had been looking for some of the tutorials I've done online in the past and decided to start putting them on my blog. There are so many that I forgot I had even done some of them. This one is featuring the Faux dollhouse bed tutorial I did for the Greenleaf Gazette back in 2011. You can view that Newsletter by CLICKING HERE
You'll need:
Card board
lace trim
2 sheets of wallpaper or scrapbook paper with different patterns
white glue
hot glue and hot glue gun
5" x5" square of fabric
A smile on your face :)
lace trim
2 sheets of wallpaper or scrapbook paper with different patterns
white glue
hot glue and hot glue gun
5" x5" square of fabric
A smile on your face :)
First you will cut your card Board Pieces
in the sizes listed below. (One size is not pictured in the photo below
but will be needed and shown later on.)
2 pieces 3" x 1"
1 piece 6 1/2" x 3"
2 pieces 6 1/2" x 1"
1 piece 5 1/2" x 1"
1 piece 6 1/2" x 3"
2 pieces 6 1/2" x 1"
1 piece 5 1/2" x 1"
Now assemble your bed so that it looks like the one picture here. I used my hot glue gun for this:
Pick your wall paper and cut it to a
size a little bigger than the top of your bed. Add white glue over
every inch of this so that the wallpaper will not buckle. I did mine
this way then I used a credit card to smooth the glue completely over
the top.
I laid the wallpaper over the glue and
smoothed it over (you can use a clean credit card for this part too).
Take a sharp hobby knife and cut the wallpaper to edge of the
Take your second wallpaper pattern and
this will go around the bottom half of the bed. It should look like the
picture below when this step is completed.
Now take your lace that you will use as a
bed skirt and your white glue (I used Aileen's fabric glue). Add
white glue where the two wallpaper patterns meet and add the lace along
this. Remember to cut enough of this lace so that you can create a
little bit of a pleated or flowing look. You do this by "pinching" some
of the fabric lace together at some points. Let it dry completely.
Now, get ready to add your second lace
trim. I used my glue gun so that I could speed this along. Remember,
use it very sparingly. If you are not good at being very neat with the
glue gun, your can use white glue (I did that on the first bed I
made). If you use white glue, be sure to use enough but not too much
or it will come through the lace and look messy. As you add the lace,
remember to press it so that it adheres to the glue. It should cover
the rough edges so that you can not see them any longer.
Now take your cardboard piece sized 5
1/2" x 1". This will be the pillow part of the bed. Add the glue from
the hot glue gun along the bottom of one side of this piece. Then add
your wallpaper to it. You will wrap the wallpaper around to the other
side and then glue it in place nice and tight.
Glue the "pillow" across the bed. I
added more lace because I wanted mine to look very "Girlie". Now of
course, if you like your bed like this, you can stop here and enjoy.
You can pose a doll on top or have pillows, dolls or even a book to
make it look used or lived in. I choose instead to add a draped cover
over mine. Continue to the next step to do this step.
Take your fabric and your lace trim. Add
white glue around the edges and begin pressing it down so it will not
come apart. Be careful because you don't want to use too much glue as
it will stain the fabric! When I get to the corner, I do not cut the
lace. I pinch and fold it (add a touch of glue) and continue the run
like show in the 2nd picture
This is one of mine completed:
Now to drape it over the bed, you need
your fingers wet (not dripping) and you need to fold your fabric in a
way that it will be in the direction you want to lay it. When it dries,
it will lay more easily! When it dries, get your hot glue gun and add a
drop of hot glue, where you want your cover to start at. I used hot
glue because white glue will bleed through (and it will take longer to
dry). I then press and pinch the fabric so that it will fold nicely and
look natural.
Pinch and press at the top; then add another glue drop at the bottom and pinch & press.
Then glue it around the edges and it ends up looking like this when completed:
This one Below was the first one I did for a Dollhouse
If you like the Cornice I made, you can see the tutorial for it by Clicking HERE
Next, I'll Blog the Faux Dresser which works very well when you have very small dollhouse rooms you are working with.
Thank you for viewing my Blog and for the encouraging comments you leave for me. I really do Appreciate them. Please send me pictures of yours if you create one and feel free to share this with your miniature clubs or other craft groups.
Tracy Topps
Friday, February 21, 2014
Dollhouse Display ~ The Garden Courtyard Scene ~2013
Dear followers of my blog. It seems that yet another year has gone by without me blogging as I used to. Its mainly because I haven't been able to work as much on my dollhouse miniatures like I used to. I don't finish one big project per month as I used to but the mini bug is still inside of me :)
last year, I was able to complete two small projects and one large project. This blog is about one small one I finished last year in February.
I was going stir crazy and needed to work on a mini project. My real life bathroom was being revamped and my home was a mess. I also deal with pain in my upper back arms and right hand. So I started with a small corner yard scene because those of you who follow me know the story of how I LOVE doing yards scenes and why. I used Creative paperclay to create the stucco and stones. I created some of the flowers by hand.
I had such a fun time doing it!! It's 1" scale and it has grooves in so that a plexiglass covering could be added to it. Before I had a chance to put it up for sale, it sold after posting pictures of it on Facebook. Here is pictures of that scene.
Thank you for taking the time to read and view my blog! I am still surprise and flattered by amount of "hits" this blog still get and the emails regarding this blog. Thank you all for that! ~ Tracy Topps
last year, I was able to complete two small projects and one large project. This blog is about one small one I finished last year in February.
I was going stir crazy and needed to work on a mini project. My real life bathroom was being revamped and my home was a mess. I also deal with pain in my upper back arms and right hand. So I started with a small corner yard scene because those of you who follow me know the story of how I LOVE doing yards scenes and why. I used Creative paperclay to create the stucco and stones. I created some of the flowers by hand.
I had such a fun time doing it!! It's 1" scale and it has grooves in so that a plexiglass covering could be added to it. Before I had a chance to put it up for sale, it sold after posting pictures of it on Facebook. Here is pictures of that scene.
Thank you for taking the time to read and view my blog! I am still surprise and flattered by amount of "hits" this blog still get and the emails regarding this blog. Thank you all for that! ~ Tracy Topps
Coach light,
creative paper clay,
display case,
flower box,
Tracy Topps,
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Medieval Lighthouse Rik Pierce Class Project
I took a class back in 2007 at the Chicago Tom Bishop Miniature show and it has been sitting covered in my workroom every since. Most of it was complete but, I was working on projects for customers and just set my house aside.
Last year, I decided to work on it but after the car accident last summer, it just made my other health issues harder to bear and I did mostly nothing. Last week, I was having an extremely good day. Hadn't had one in so long that I dusted my project off took pictures and got busy on it.
I Love this project because I took it with two of my friends from Greenleaf so we all have this rare class project by Rik. He only taught it for our class and that means there were under 20 of these world wide. Anyway, after a little over a week, the pictures show where I started and where I am at with it right now.
I hope to be finished sometime next week. I hope you enjoy the pictures and Thank You for viewing my Blog!
Last year, I decided to work on it but after the car accident last summer, it just made my other health issues harder to bear and I did mostly nothing. Last week, I was having an extremely good day. Hadn't had one in so long that I dusted my project off took pictures and got busy on it.
I Love this project because I took it with two of my friends from Greenleaf so we all have this rare class project by Rik. He only taught it for our class and that means there were under 20 of these world wide. Anyway, after a little over a week, the pictures show where I started and where I am at with it right now.
I hope to be finished sometime next week. I hope you enjoy the pictures and Thank You for viewing my Blog!
limited edition,
rik pierce,
Tom Bishop,
Tracy Topps
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Words Of Inspiration, Dollhouse Style
I'm Working on some dollhouse projects and decided since I haven't been posting on my blog as much, I'd add my Facebook Thoughts of the day here on my blog. With that, I'd add some eye candy I found while sorting though one of my old photo galleries.
"Today is only one day in all the days that will ever be. But what will happen in all the other days that will ever come can depend on what you do today.” ~ Ernest Hemingway -
What are you up to today my friends?
I'm finishing the base on a primrose dollhouse today... At least, that is my plans :)
"Today is only one day in all the days that will ever be. But what will happen in all the other days that will ever come can depend on what you do today.” ~ Ernest Hemingway -
What are you up to today my friends?
I'm finishing the base on a primrose dollhouse today... At least, that is my plans :)
Today's eye Candy... The Glencroft
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
The Rosedale 1/2' scale Dollhouse Kit
What a Wonderful treat I have to share with you today! This gorgeous Rosedale
Dollhouse has been built. Ive been having the desire to build this for a long time because this is a Space
saver! It is 1/2" scale (1/24th Scale, G- Scale, half scale). It's easier to handle because it's smaller. It still took me a while to complete it but it's because I wanted to do more than just paint it.
This Manor
has stucco with exposed brick made from an airdry clay. Three Flower
Boxes and a tree is decorating this yard. Insides are 4 rooms and a full
large attic and a staircase which is painted all white so that the color scheme can be changed up. The size is 13"H x 13"W x 8 1/2" D. It sits on a grassy base with a brick pathway.
If you have had doubts about trying the Greenleaf halfscale kits, I can tell you this, you won't be disappointed because it has all of the wonderful detailed features that is included in their 1" scale models.
Try them!
Hope you enjoy the pictures of my halfscale Rosedale
Gothic Themed Castle Roombox 1" scale # 2
This is an Enchanting 1" scale Castle Room Display.
It was such a fun item to create. The stones on the walls are hand sculpted from airdry clay "freestyle" by me without use of molds. Each stone is then painted several various colors to give them each the look of real life stone. The Fireplace was handmade & has an electrified "fire" with burning embers.
This roombox also comes with 1 electrified candle stand which has 3 candles. It also has plexiglass on top (movable) and on the front (Unmovable). This was such a fun creation because I totally love Castles and things that has castle elements in them. Here are pictures of this completed creation. I hope it brings a smile to your face as it has done for me.
It was such a fun item to create. The stones on the walls are hand sculpted from airdry clay "freestyle" by me without use of molds. Each stone is then painted several various colors to give them each the look of real life stone. The Fireplace was handmade & has an electrified "fire" with burning embers.
This roombox also comes with 1 electrified candle stand which has 3 candles. It also has plexiglass on top (movable) and on the front (Unmovable). This was such a fun creation because I totally love Castles and things that has castle elements in them. Here are pictures of this completed creation. I hope it brings a smile to your face as it has done for me.
air dry clay,
custom dollhouse,
one inch scale,
Tracy Topps
Sunshine Dollhouse Miniature Cottage
I did finally finish up this Cottage. It took me a long while but It's finished and Here are the pictures.
Welcome to the Sunshine Cottage where it always look sunny! There are birds and even a dog waiting to welcome you to your new home! The insides has 1 room with wood planked floor. There are 2 electrical outlets to add your lamps to give the insides the warmth and realism needed. The Ceiling has a blue floral printed wallpaper and the windows has a nice white trim.
This cottage has flower vines and bushes adding to the warmth of the place. The front has a coach light. The size of
this 1" scale dollhouse is 13" W x 13"D x 15"H . It was a fun build and I hope you enjoy viewing the end results
Welcome to the Sunshine Cottage where it always look sunny! There are birds and even a dog waiting to welcome you to your new home! The insides has 1 room with wood planked floor. There are 2 electrical outlets to add your lamps to give the insides the warmth and realism needed. The Ceiling has a blue floral printed wallpaper and the windows has a nice white trim.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Dollhouse Scaled Castle Roombox
I know it's been a while since I blogged. I've been doing minis and I've been finishing up several projects (some from years ago that are way past the halfway finished mark).
One thing that they all have in common is the fact that they are mostly all castle themed items. I love Castles and Tudor styled cottages so it's been fun to get back to doing some things with that theme.
A group I belonged to decided to do a summer project. The theme selected was based off of a "Gothic" theme. Each of us had a different idea of what Gothic meant to us, so it was great to see so many projects revealed. Each were so different and unique.
This Castle Roombox pictured below shows one of the projects I worked on. It was a great way to do something small but still be active with my mini projects. I had so much fun with this project and even decided to dress it up with some items I received from Swaps over the past several years. It is 1" scale and I used an air dry clay on this one to create the stone finish.
The torch (by Judith Andraka) and fireplace is lit and there is a hole in the floor (between the grout lines) so that a Candle Stand can be hooked up to the electric underneath. It was something I added later on because I like a lot of lights in our Miniature settings.

This is the room box while empty
This is the outsides of the roombox
I'm working on a few more smaller miniature projects and will post about those too soon. Thank You for stopping by to view my Blog!
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*˛˚ღ •˚ ˚TRACY TOPPS ~♥~˚ ✰*
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