Friday, December 5, 2008

Building The Greenleaf Pierce Dollhouse - Day 1

I was asked to build this Pierce Dollhouse that was Created Especially for 8 Year Old Lena who LOVES Purple and Princesses. This Pierce is a loving gift from her parents. This Greenleaf House will become her dream place to be.

These are the two foundation pieces that we must start with. Henry will be helping me assemble this foundation later on. I started assembling the base starting with part number 3. I used tape and Quick Grip glue because it dries faster than wood glue and it holds wood well too.

I had assembled this part wrong. Now I notice that tabs must face upwards:

Henry is the General Contractor managing the building Process. He is making sure that the work is done correctly. Hi There Lena!!

Henry is showing in this picture how you have to add the foundation on top of the first floor. You must align the tabs and press them into place. They kept poping out so Henry decided to add the tape while the glue sets.

Here Henry decided to take these Hooked on phonics Books to help keep the first floor parts in place. I guess Hooked On Phonics Works For Me Too!! Well , Part "A" is not completed. Step "B' will be a Monster to work on but it can be done. It's the winding Stairs. It Looks Fabulous in the pictures I have seen from other people who have built this kit. Talk to you later Lena Dear and have sweet dreams about Your Castle!!

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