Friday, December 5, 2008

Building The Greenleaf Pierce Stairs - Day 2

Staircase instruction Step #2
Staircase Front & Right Bottom Side. This is the two pieces put together in there slots. Henry had a hard time doing this but he finally got it together

Staircase Step #3

This is with the left bottom side added.

Staircase Step #4
The first Landing slot is installed. Henry is looking at the back side because that is the next part to do

Step #5
The Back side has been glued into place and the tape is helping to hold it together. If a person is building this house, they might want to put this on the first floor in the slots so that they will align the back side correctly. I put in The second landing on too

Staircase Steps # 6 & 7The second floor landing has been added and the upper section took me a while to figure out HOW it went in. I had to stare at the picture for a while to figure this out LOL. I guess I should get some sleep!!

Henry is testing out the work so far to be sure they are fit for the Princesses to enjoy. You can also see a better shot of step # 8

Step # 8I added the risers and then Henry put in the stairs


This is the staircase completely assembled with bannisters and all

Click Here For Day 3 of the Pierce Dollhouse Building Blog by Tracy Topps


  1. Henry has done a great job on these stairs

  2. Those stairs were so difficult the first time around. I could not believe how much time I spent on the stairs alone but they are really nice stairs!

  3. I built this house about 20 to 25 years ago. My instructions took me through building the stairway and then said “set aside.” Never mentioned the stairway again. It then went on to building the rest of the house. I was glad I had the foresight to realize i had to put it in place on the first story before putting on the second story. If I hadn’t, it would have been impossible to put in the house. I hope the instructions have been corrected. I had an acrylic box made to cover my house as I landscaped all around the house. I have had cats and they liked to play with the little things inside as well as keep the dust from the house. It is still proudly displayed in my house. Glad to see people are still enjoying building the house. Mary
