Friday, February 21, 2014

Dollhouse Display ~ The Garden Courtyard Scene ~2013

Dear followers of my blog. It seems that yet another year has gone by without me blogging as I used to. Its mainly because I haven't been able to work as much on my dollhouse miniatures like I used to. I don't finish one big project per month as I used to but the mini bug is still inside of me :)

last year, I was able to complete two small projects and one large project. This blog is about one small one I finished last year in February.

I was going stir crazy and needed to work on a mini project. My real life bathroom was being revamped and my home was a mess. I also deal with pain in my upper back arms and right hand. So I started with a small corner yard scene because those of you who follow me know the story of how I LOVE doing yards scenes and why. I used Creative paperclay to create the stucco and stones. I created some of the flowers by hand.

I had such a fun time doing it!! It's 1" scale and it has grooves in so that a plexiglass covering could be added to it. Before I had a chance to put it up for sale, it sold after posting pictures of it on Facebook. Here is pictures of that scene.

Thank you for taking the time to read and view my blog! I am still surprise and flattered by amount of "hits" this blog still get and the emails regarding this blog. Thank you all for that! ~ Tracy Topps


  1. woow!!! beautiful!!! Buona giornata!!!

  2. Tracy, the scene is beautiful, as is all of your work. It's good to see a post from you again. I hope that you ase able to continue creating and writing about your work.

  3. It is great to see your work whenever you get the chance to post. Thank you for share this great scene with us.

  4. it's a very romantic scene, did you make the Ivy too?

  5. Thank you all so much for your Kind Comments! I really do appreciate it.@Caseymini and @Annie Thank you both! I am trying my best to get back into blogging because everyone isn't on Facebook or the Greenleaf Dollhouses forum. I'm still building but mostly items as I feel the want @Steinworks I created them from bits and bobs I have collected over the years. I'm always searching for minis in the "real world" as I shop :)
