Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Coventry Cottage Dollhouse Building Blog Days 11 & 12

4 May 2006
Posted by Minis On The Edge
Painting has Started

No matter how many times I have worked with Paper clay, it always amazes me to see the house "Spring to Life" when you add just a little bit of color to it. I dirty washed the entire house and have only added one color so far to the bricks and the Shingles. Yes there are more colors to add to them to make them look more realistic and I have not started the stones (other than the dirty wash) but I am very pleased with how it is turning out.

It is beginning to look like what I imagined it to look in my minds eye. I did decide to add a very small base for this house.

Enjoy the "Eye Candy" below!!

06 May 2006
Posted by Minis On The Edge
More Painting

I have done more painting but I am still not finished. I had expected to finish this house last night but this was as far as I got. I still have to add 2 more colors on all bricks and stone and 1 more color to the roof to give it the proper aged look.


I know I will finish by next week for sure!

Enjoy the pictures!

This one is of the side with opening

This is the front view

11 May 2006
Posted by Minis On The Edge
More Painting

 I have completed this house!! It is raining so I have not had the chance to take pictures out side but to see the ones I took so far you can look in my Coventry Cottage gallery too. I will add better pictures when I can get outdoors and do that.

This house was very fun to build and decorate. I want you all to leave my blog  knowing you should NOT feel afraid to alter your houses!! Each kit can turn into a unique item. Just think outside of the picture on the box! So many people miss out on these wonderful houses because they are afraid to think outside of the box. Don't just see a pink house and think that is the way the house has to be. Bring in your own personality. Bash the kit. When you have questions know I are always here to help!!

Even building the house as it is on the box can be VERY rewarding. Some people look down on diecut dollhouses but I have not only told you, I have shown you that you can do a LOT with a diecut Greenleaf house! Have fun and Build On!!

This is the Kit box Picture and my edited version of this house

You can see bigger pictures by clicking below

Thank you for viewing my Blog and I hope you enjoyed watching me build the Coventry Cottage Dollhouse Kit by  

All dollhouse kits have been made in the USA Since 1947 and is owned by the Original Family that started it all. Read the history of how it all began by clicking here

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