Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Coventry Cottage Dollhouse Building Blog Days 7 - 10

April 23 2006
Posted by Minis On The Edge
Bay Roof Weathered Copper Painting

  I added a roof to my front bay window. I decided to make it a copper roof and I wanted it to look nice and "aged" to help give the house more character.

I weathered it by putting on a base coat color of "Sea Mist" by Deco Art. I let it dry then I "Dry Brushed" the second color on which is "Metallic Antique Copper" by Folk Art.

This is the way it looks now that it has been painted

April 27 2006
Posted by Minis On The Edge
Stone & Brick sculpting completed
Well, I finally finished all of the stone sculpting outside if this house. This house is really a fast & quick build. So far, I have only spent 5.5 hours on it. I added a fireplace in the Living room so I felt I had to have a Chimney. This is something I noticed that I have started to add to all of my houses and if one is missing, the house just does not look complete to me :blink: . This is the picture of what it looks like before the stones and bricks are added.
I also decided to add some texture to my windows so I took some clear "Gallery Glass" and added it on the windows. I am pleased with how it turned out though I am not sure it shows up well in the pictures.

I have added all of the inside lights and outlets so I will start adding the clay on the inside and then add the wood roof shingle the roof and then, I will paint :blink: Sounds like a lot to do bu,t since we are expecting it to rain this weekend, I don't think I will be tempted by the sunshine  since there won't be any ;)  See ya in a few days!

May 2 2006
Posted by Minis On The Edge
Shingles added

I have added the shingles to this wonderful house. It is so fun to see this project take shape!! The only thing left for me to do is the inside. I have done the Chimney on the outside but I guess I did not take pictures of it ;). I added a widows walk like thingy on the roof I made. I used a plastic iron fence. I cut it down to the size I needed. Of course, I ruined two fences because I cut them wrong the first time around. I was much more careful the next time around :blink: .

Enjoy the pictures! More to come soon!!

 May 3 2006
Posted by Minis On The Edge
Moving Right Along
Well, I spent the past 2 days playing catch up. I should have been complete with this house and I can happily say, it is all downhill from here ;) . All of the paper clay I have to do is DONE and I am quite happy about that :) !

Now, all I have to do is paint. Because this house is so much bigger than I remember last, I do not think I will add a base to this house because it is so much harder to ship the houses when they are larger because the base makes it larger :blink:

It's amazing how much the paint adds to the house so don't be afraid, it will come to life as soon as the paint is on. I am letting the new clay added dry a bit before I paint.
I have spent a total of 34 hours on this house so far. The clay is intense ;) I used about 6 1/2 packs of creative paper clay (16 ounces packs :blink: ) Here are the pictures

This is what the Coventry looks like on the Box. So now you can see how many changes I have made to it.
Thank you for following along and read my blog! Hope my tips help encourage you to think outside of the box!

1 comment:

  1. I love your creativity, the dollhouse cottage looks beautiful.
