Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Painting Resin Dollhouse Furniture

I have several Resin furniture pieces that I had no use for. I used to sell them on my website but stopped when I got down to the last few because I decided to try something. The two sets I sold were really pretty pieces but, they had Horrible paint jobs. As I was building this Shabby cottage, I decided to take out my Pink Can of spray paint from Krylon. It adheres to just about anything, even the resin!!!

This is what It looked like straight from the package:

This is what it looked like after the Spray Paint:

I will add white highlights to it using the "dry" paint brush technique. I am now pleased with this little piece of furniture. So if you have any of those Ugly resin furniture pieces, You can "reupholster" it's look with a simple can of paint.


Thought Of The Day ~
The best things in life are unexpected - because there were no expectations. ~Eli Khamarov

Thank you For Stopping By To Read My Blog!! ~ Tracy


  1. The pieces look great after the paint!

  2. Thanks Sans! I was pleased with how it turned out. I plan on adding some more touches and selling it with the house when I finish it all :)
