Thursday, February 3, 2011

February 2011 Winter Storm Wow

I have never witnessed such a powerful snow storm in all my life! It was Beautiful though. My Parents said in Chicago they had some Thunder with their Snow Storm. We missed the Thunder part but Nothing else. According to news reports, our part of Wisconsin got 2' (2 feet) of snow!!

The Girls got to  go outside in it for a little bit yesterday. They were totally excited that they had the past two days off of school. They helped their dad shovel the car out of the parking space. Our car and our neighbors cars were all buried and they had not even plowed our street yet when these pictures were taken:

This is a shot off of our back deck where we live. That street is usually busy with cars and trucks but not yesterday:

Our poor tree up front is buried in the snow today:

Today, it is very sunny out but it is Freezing cold out there so the kids can't go out an play. I Hope you are all Safe & Warm. Looks like we'll do some reading today and maybe a few craft projects so I won't hear those dreaded words.... "I'm Bored" LOL!

Thought Of The Day ~ "Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing perfectly" Robert Schuller

Live Your Life With Passion & Love! Thanks for stopping By to read my blog Today!!

♥☆♥ Tracy ♥☆♥


  1. Wow! And everything in the UK stops if we get 6 inches of snow!
    Keep warm.

  2. It's looks very pretty, but I know it can be a nuisance when the little 'uns get bored! Stay warm and enjoy your crafting :)
    Julia xx
