Saturday, November 20, 2010

Beacon Hill Dollhouse by Tracy Topps

I created a You-Tube Video of the Beacon Hill to use in the auction that ran for this house. You can see more shots of this house by clicking the "play" button:

Hope you enjoy seeing the pictures and if interested, please bid!

Monday, October 25, 2010

New Half Scale Priscilla Dollhouse

I have been building several of the Greenleaf halfscaled (1/24th scale, G-Scale or 1/2" scale) dollhouses and have been having so much fun with them!! This is the latest one that I finished. We named it "The Priscilla". This house is an edited Buttercup Cottage. It has stucco & exposed brick. This is my first time doing brick work in this scale! It even has a "herringbone" brick pattern on the walkway. This house has 2 vines.  One has red flowers and the other has purplish blue flowers on it. There is moss and a stone chimney stack. The inside is wallpapered. The color scheme is Green, cream and pink.

I hope to take better pictures tomorrow outside. Thank you so much for stopping by to view my blog!

It will be for sale this week in my CDHM shop two days prior to the ebay auction. I will post here on my blog and on my Facebook page when it is available. There will be several new creations of mine for sell this week and next week so stay tuned!!

Tracy Topps

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Greenleaf New Halfscale Dollhouses

Greenleaf has done it again! They have released several New Half scale dollhouses to their family!! Check out their website At Greenleaf Dollhouses  to Purchase these houses at a Wonderful Affordable price!

They are now offering the following houses in Half inch scale

The Arthur which has four rooms when assembled

The Diana which has four Larger rooms when assembled

The Willow  which has 6 Spacious rooms

The Vanburen which has six large rooms & two hallways rooms when assembled

This is a Wonderful and exciting time because this is the Month of October which means Dollhouse Appreciation Month has Begun!! Why not start on a new kit in a new scale and let your imaginations flow!!
See more half inch scale dollhouses offered by Greenleaf by clicking here:

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Dollhouse Miniature Wall "Hang-Ups"

 Sometimes, I find it hard to figure out what to make for someone. Every now and again, I feel like creating something special for someone and I love to create something that shares my love of minis with them.

I have found a lot of joy in creating Wall "Hang-Ups" for my friends. I made this one for a friend just to let her know she was on my mind. It was so much fun because I knew she'd get a kick out of having the Vines and stucco with exposed brick showing. I made the door myself because she has gone through something special that opened up a new "door" in her life.

The funny thing is that she loves minis too and when she saw the door she "got it" right away that this was a symbol of the new start she'd be able to have.

Have you been working on any fun  & quick projects this month? Please share it with us and post the link in your comment so we can see it!!

I hope you all are having a Wonderful September!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Miniature Castle Gift

Last weekend, a friend of mine got married. It's amazing how fast young girls blossom into beautiful young women right before my eyes! I wanted to do something a little different for her because she has always reminded me of a Princess. Even as an adult, her style reminds me of something Princess Diana would wear. Even the way she carries herself and the way she dresses reminds me of a princess. So, I decided to make her a little Castle Tower. Here is a picture I was able to take of it before it left my house.

You can click the picture below to see the rest of the pictures of it:

 Castle by Tracy Topps

Monday, September 6, 2010

Apple Tree Cottage Dollhouse

Every now and again, I'll look at a dollhouse kit and see many different things that it can become. Many of you know I love to edit the Greenleaf dollhouse kits because I love the challenge of making them look different. I have never built a Greenleaf kit exactly per the instructions. Back when I started building them though, I had no idea it was called "Kit Bashing" and that it was something people did when they wanted to change the look of the kit they had purchased. 

Well, once again, I took the ordinary kit called "The Primrose"

And I turned it into this which I call "The Apple Tree Cottage"

It was a fun build. I move the door, added height to the upstairs room and added a dormer window to give that room more light. You can see more pictures by clicking the picture below:

Apple Tree Cottage by Tracy Topps

Monday, August 23, 2010

New Halfscale Buttercup Dollhouse for sale

I know it has been a while since I posted. I have been busy getting things ready for the kids for school and working on some new houses. I have been looking at all of the beautiful "eye candy" kits that Greenleaf gave us a few months ago and finally started building a couple of them. I finished a half scale buttercup kit ( some call this scale 1/24th, G-scale, Garden scale or 1/2" scale) and I decided to do it up with the paperclay (Creative paperclay in the Black package).

I must say that I am in love with this scale all over again! These kits are like a cool breeze on a hot day. Putting them together is fun and the best part is if you are like me and lack space but don't want to give up the details, this is a perfect scale. The size of this house (including the base) is 10"H x 10"W x7 1/2"D.

All of the shingles, brick and stones and even the base were hand sculpted & hand painted by me. I used the same techniques I use in a full 1" scale house. This house is for sale right now in my CDHM store and I am offering free shipping to the USA (lower 48 states). You can see what I have available for sale by clicking here: 



Thursday, July 1, 2010

Beacon Hill Dollhouse By Tracy Topps

I thought I would share some "eye candy" with you all. Here are pictures of the Beacon Hill I completed this year. I will post more shots later on but for now, here she is:

I had to mix the paint for the siding to get the ideal color that I had seen in my minds eye. It's so "crazy hard"to go shopping for paint! It seems like there are so many shades of a certain color but never the one I want and I almost always end up mixing my own paint.

The base on this house is detachable which can be very cool if a person want to change the base according to the seasons of the year.

I am almost finished with a new primrose kit that has been done a little differently and those pictures are coming very soon! Hope you all are having a Great day and Thank you for stopping by today!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Greenleaf Dollhouse Contest Result Are in!

The Results are in and the gallery full of all 44 entries to this years Greenleaf Spring Fling contest is now open to the public!

To see the official post from Dean to the winners, Click Here to visit the Gallery of all of the Entries this year, Click Here

I want to say a HUGE Congratulations to Brae for winning 1st place

Jenn for winning 2nd Place

And Rick who won 3rd place

I also want to congratulate ALL the entrants this year because they also won a 1/4th (quarter ) scale laser cut kit!!
If you did not enter this years contest, remember you have the chance to still purchase this kit while supplies last at the Greenleaf Store HERE

Thanks for stopping by to read my blog today!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Custom Built Orchid Dollhouses by Tracy Topps

Last week, I was finally taught how to create Video's and upload them on You-Tube. With a little help from the folks at the Apple store, I was able to create a couple of Videos. This one is of some of the Orchid Dollhouse kits I have built.  I know you may have already seen them, but if you are like me, I can watch a video of a dollhouse over and over again.


Friday, June 4, 2010

Dollhouse Whispering Cove Furnished

My Customer took some fabulous pictures of the house I did for her (The Whispering Cove) . I was so excited to see the house furnished and looking Great and filled with pieces from other Great Talented people. There is a Doll by Julie of Bellabelle dolls (which was Kathy's inspiration for this house) and the Furniture was customized by Deb of Debs Minis and there is even a Cute dollhouse in the Parlor created by Pat Carlson Miniatures

It is so Wonderful to be able to see the house after it has been decorated and in the new owners home. I am also tickled pink to see and know that my house is adorned with items from some of the best miniaturists out there! I am really tickled pink about that!

I'll stop rambling now and share the pictures. I hope you all enjoy the pictures and please feel free to stop by and Julie, Deb & Pat's site. They really are truly fabulous Artisans!

whispering cove bedroom-1-1

Whispering Cove bedroom-1

whispering cove dungeon-1-1

whispering cove dungeon-1

whispering cove parlor-1-1

Whispering Cove-1

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Dollhouse Fun In May

Okay, it's May and I have not talked about what projects I am working on. I am finishing up the Beacon Hill so it will be out of my house very soon. I Love that house but it's so large for my small space. I guess that's why I am happy Greenleaf has come out with the halfscale dollhouse line.

I will also start selling some of my houses in a Brick &Mortar store in New York. I am so excited about that and need to get cracking on their order so they'll have them in time for their Grand Opening. I will give details of the place as soon as I have permission to do so.

I also have pictures of a halfscale house that was done for a customer who LOVES stone cottages and I never added the shots of it to a public Gallery so here you go.


When I did this house, I was so worried about getting the stones the correct size and measurement. I really wanted to bring the "Feel" of real stones in 1/2" scale. I was so worried that I would so them too big or that they would not look authentic. I was quite pleased with how it turn out though. I think I got the look down very well. My customer will be decorating the insides herself so it's unfinished.

This is a front opening house so the trick was figuring out how to do the base of the house since it's not an open back dollhouse:



I made it so that the house lifts off the base:


I'll have more "eye  candy" for you all in a few days!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Halfscale Dollhouse Kits by Greenleaf

Finally!! I am so excited I could just BURST!! I am one of those people who don't have a lot of space for dollhouses and am so excited that Greenleaf has come out with a new line of not One but Seven new half scale dollhouses! They have also come out with Five new half scale shingle designs!! I am so excited. Check it out here: Half scale Greenleaf Houses  I have had the Brimbles kit here for the past 3 weeks now and you all will love the Halfscale line!!

This is my favorite, it is the half scale Chantilly kit! Halfscale is also called 1/2" or G-scale or garden scale.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Bishop Miniature Dollhouse Show 2010

I had such a Wonderful time at the Tom Bishop International show in Chicago this year! I saw so many Wonderful items. There is just so much talent and you get a certain energy buzzing around a room full of warm, friendly, inspiring and Artistic people. It's a shame but this year, most of my pictures did not come out. I am thinking this camera may be too old now (3 years) because it's been being weird for a while and I had been using my son's and decided not to bring his cause I was afraid, I'd lose it or something. I sure wish I had brought it! My daughter Rachel took better pictures than I did and here are some of those show stoppers. These are the only ones that came out decent enough to share. There were so many roombox pictures I took. My daughter Rachel took more than half of the best shots here!

I hope you all enjoy the pictures and I want to say "Thank You" to all of the Wonderful people who let us take pictures of their tables & items!!
Thank You All for stopping by and reading my blog today!

Anna Hardman Dolls

This roombox was based off of the painting by Painting by Konstantin Flavitsky of Princess Tarakanova.  You can read the tragic story of this Princess here

Arline Smith Roomboxes & Dolls

Arline was so sweet. She took time and talked with us for a nice period of time. She even explained to my daughter Rachel, exactly how she created the roombox and what types of parts and findings she used to create them. She even shared secretes as to how she create such wonderful rugs! The great thing about it is, she volunteered this info after Rachel asked her if she could take pictures of her wonderful work.

Rik Pierce Roomboxes

Rik' version of Weasley's Burrow from Harry Potter