Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Custom Built Orchid Dollhouses by Tracy Topps

Last week, I was finally taught how to create Video's and upload them on You-Tube. With a little help from the folks at the Apple store, I was able to create a couple of Videos. This one is of some of the Orchid Dollhouse kits I have built.  I know you may have already seen them, but if you are like me, I can watch a video of a dollhouse over and over again.



  1. I loved your video. It got me started looking on YouTube for more dollhouse videos. LOL

  2. Hi Tracy,

    I love the video. It is great and well done. I can't wait to see what you come up with next.. Drop me a line or two.

  3. Thank you Kabrina & Pearl! Pearl, please send me an email! I lost yours this past March when my computer died!!
