Thursday, May 20, 2010

Dollhouse Fun In May

Okay, it's May and I have not talked about what projects I am working on. I am finishing up the Beacon Hill so it will be out of my house very soon. I Love that house but it's so large for my small space. I guess that's why I am happy Greenleaf has come out with the halfscale dollhouse line.

I will also start selling some of my houses in a Brick &Mortar store in New York. I am so excited about that and need to get cracking on their order so they'll have them in time for their Grand Opening. I will give details of the place as soon as I have permission to do so.

I also have pictures of a halfscale house that was done for a customer who LOVES stone cottages and I never added the shots of it to a public Gallery so here you go.


When I did this house, I was so worried about getting the stones the correct size and measurement. I really wanted to bring the "Feel" of real stones in 1/2" scale. I was so worried that I would so them too big or that they would not look authentic. I was quite pleased with how it turn out though. I think I got the look down very well. My customer will be decorating the insides herself so it's unfinished.

This is a front opening house so the trick was figuring out how to do the base of the house since it's not an open back dollhouse:



I made it so that the house lifts off the base:


I'll have more "eye  candy" for you all in a few days!


  1. Absolutamente genial!!!
    El suelo es una preciosidad!!
    besitos ascension

  2. Beautiful house! Congrats on selling bussines!Good luck!

  3. Thank You Both for your kind words!! I really appreciate them!

  4. loving the blog! cant wait to make my own dollhouse someday....or buy :)

  5. Love the front opening dollhouse! Also how you made it removeable from the base? What kit is it? I would love to have one! Probably not in my price range though!! LOL Doesn't surprise me you are finally selling in shops! Glad to hear it! Now go make some houses, Girl! Good luck!
