Monday, September 7, 2009

Medieval Times Food & Tournamnt

Saturday, we took the family to Medieval Times for dinner and tournament. We had gone before about 4 years ago when Sarah was much younger so we decided to treat them and go again. Also, this time, David's Wife & his best friend Daniel went with us too. It was Daniel's first time going and we all had a lot of fun. My husband grew up around the area where the Illinois Castle was and we had fun looking at newly built houses from his old stomping grounds. We went past the house Walter Payton (Bears Football star) used to live in. It looks different than it did years ago and it even hard to see it now from the street.

after that we got to the Castle and were greeted by several people dressed in Medieval attire. We did the Royalty Upgrade package so we were able to move to the front of the line. We were welcomed by some Squires & Maidens who gave us our Crowns (we were on the Blue team this time ) and then the King greeted us and took 2 pictures with us and told us to have a wonderful time in his domain.

Daniel dressed up a bit because he loves the Medieval stuff a goes to our local Renaissance Fair by us and dresses up. We were able to shop before the dinner & Tourney started. We also were able to buy ourselves something to drink before the official dinner & tournament from the 2 "pubs" that were there with serving wench's LOL . My son got a drink called the 1st knight and it came with such a cool looking golden glass that was shaped like a knight's helmet.

We were all called into the main room so that we could enter and be seated for the Dinner (which we ate by hand) & Tournament. We were served Dragon Toe Stew, Garlic Bread, half a Bird (Chicken), Rat Tail (Spare rib) & a Castle Pastry (apple turn over). We also had a choice of Pepsi, Sprite or water and also something from the Pub (bar).

While they served our meals the show started and we were introduced to our knight whom we cheered loudly for.

We were in the second row and had pretty good seats. We were able to Booo the bad guys & Cheer on all of the Great knights in battle. All in all, we had a lot of fun and it was a great way to end summer (even though school had already started).

If you have a Medieval Times around, I would totally recommend you to go and check it out. It was a lot of fun for everyone. Here is the Link to see the website and more info for Medieval Times .

1 comment:

  1. Tracy, what fun! We went there a few years ago (after we met you at the Tom Bishop show if you remember) for my birthday and had a fantastic time! Wasn't sure about eating with my fingers, but you soon get into the whole scene!

    Thanks for sharing!

