Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Bishop Miniature show 2010 workshops

Saturday, I was rushing. My husband had morning blocked off because he had an appointment. Then when he got back at 12:30 pm he announced he had to get his hair cut. I started plotting the night before telling him we should go get the new Apple upgrade "Snow Leopard" but I told him we had to go to the Apple store at Woodfield Mall (not the closest one to us LOL ) he was okay with it but could not understand WHY I was rushing.

I was rushing because Saturday was the Fall Tom Bishop Miniature show and this is the show they have examples & samples of the classes for the Spring International dollhouse & Miniature show. I always like to be first to see it because I have a few extra days to think & decided which class I wish to take before the classes are posted on their official website ( www.bishopshow.com ).

Since we had just come back from the Ohio Miniature show less than a week before, I did not want to tell my husband right away that I wanted to make a pit stop at the Fall show. When I finally told him why I think he understood that Resistance would be Futile and so we went and got there 30 mins. before the show was over for the day. I only came to see the workshops anyway so. I got there and low & behold, one of the workshops were already full!! It is the one titled "Home for the Holidays" by Whitledge/Burgess and it is a four day class that is just beautiful. I did not get a good shot of it because it had glass in front of the display and the windows were behind me. I darkened the picture some so you could see it better but The Bishop's will have the real picture up on their site in about a week:

There are so many wonderful classes to pick from. I only took a few shots because others were busy looking too. Leni Bishop teased & laughed at me and said she knew I'd come and she said she knew I only came to the Fall show to see the classes. She even went to the table and showed me some of her favorite ones. I think tohey put on such a Top notch show and I can't wait till Spring!!!

Here are pictures of some of the classes I was able to capture on my camera:

Bishop Show workshops 2010

I am in love with the 1/4th scale stone cottage :) I have not decided on the classes I wish to take for sure yet. My daughter Rachel loves the Moonlit Japanese Room. I may let her take a class this year. She's 12 now and will be almost 13 by then and she really do love miniatures. I'll keep you all posted.


  1. Tracy, I can't wait for them to get the class offerings up! I'm really looking forward to the show next year!

    Are there any Victorian doll classes? Is Pat Melvin doing a class?

    Thanks so much for sharing . . . I've got ants in my pants! LOL!!


  2. That sounds like fun! Wish I could do that !

  3. Teresa, she does has a wonderful little girl doll laying in a bed. It was so cute. I thought I had a picture of her. Sorry that you'll have to wait until the Bishops put the picture up on the workshop site. Debbie, you should go to the Spring show!! It's Wonderful even if you just go to look. There is so much eye candy!!! ~ Tracy

  4. I was at the show too. Pat Melvin is doing a class of a little girl laying on a bed.
    The Whitledge/Burgess workshop was wonderful. They have many pictures of it on their website.

    Also....Rik Pierce has a great building and Teresa Layman is teaching a smaller version of her Gingerbread house.

    You must go!!!!!

  5. so you did go?oh those classes look tempting! what'd you buy?
