Saturday, May 12, 2012

Greeting Card Dollhouse Miniature Gift Part 1

I always look for creative ways to share my love of minis with my friends and family that are not really "into" the dollhouse mini thing. Back in 2008, I decided to start making Greeting card gifts. I had two friends who were pregnant and thought of a great idea. I showed photos of it to others and they began to make them for their family and friends too. A few months ago, I wanted to let my Mom know how much she means to me and I thought the Greeting card gift would be perfect for her. I took pictures this time to share it with you! This is a picture of the finished product you will be making:

Supplies Needed are:
1. scissors
2. hot glue gun & glue sticks
3. card board
4. contact paper
5. sheet moss
6. miniature flowers and leaves
7. Cake pillar
8. Greeting card
9. Plastic fencing
10. printer & scanner (so you can scan pictures in and print them off)
11. Modge Podge

Take your cardboard and your greeting card and cut the cardboard a little bit bigger than the card. This will become your base.

 Now, put your card aside and take your cardboard and contact paper. Trace around your cardboard base about 1/2" away and around your cardboard base like this:

Now, cut along your traced line. Peel off the backing of your contact paper and center your cardboard on it. Press down hard so it will adhere to your base. Now, cut at your corners like this (I drew a line so you can see where I made these cuts) :

 Now, fold it over like this:

Then this:

Cut off these extra edges carefully so that none of the cardboard show. You are only cutting off the excess contact paper so that the ends will look like this:

and the back will look like this:

Now, get your card and hot glue gun. Glue your card on the base like this. Please note that the cardboard should be showing on this side!! Leave some of the base out behind the card. Do not glue it flush to the edge of the base.

Now, take your Hot Glue Gun and add glue to the base like this:

Now add some Moss like this and press down hard so that it will adhere to the glue and base:

Continue that step until your entire base is covered like this:

Now take your fence (You can also choose not to use fence or you can use a wood picket fence). I had already painted and aged mine but they come in black or white. You want to take some sharp scissors and cut them like this:

I used only these parts:

Now Take Your Cake Pillar and add a piece of card stock to cover the opening at the top:

Now take your glue gun and add your leaves or flowers around the bottom of your pillar:

Now glue the pillar to the moss base and press down:

You can find Part 2 HERE . I'll add the link in this post as soon as I am finished adding the pictures.

Thank you for stopping by and viewing my blog. Please feel free to leave a comment so I'll know if you are interested in more tutorials by me.

Wishing You a Wonderful Day!!


. . °\(ッ)/°


  1. What a unique and beautiful idea.

    Of course I'd love to see more tutorials in the future1

  2. you are a true inspiration to us all hun and soooo very talented :) xx

  3. Thanks A. Wright and Nicky. I guess I intended to say I need some inspiration. I don't know if those reading like the blogs tutorials showing how to do things inside the house more or if they like the outside stuff more. ;0) it helps me decide what to base the tuts off of .
