Saturday, October 1, 2011

The First Dollhouse I Built

The other week, I was cleaning up and discovered a Polaroid picture of the dollhouse that got me started building dollhouses as an adult.

So many times, we look at people's work and think, "Man, I'll never be that good" or we think "This person must have always been talented".  It's not true and I have the picture to prove it!!

Here is a picture of the very first dollhouse I built.

That picture is of the very first dollhouse that evolved into my hobby/business. I showed pictures of that plain house (well considering what my houses look like now, I think it is rather plain) and I sold about 10 or more of those and gifted others to various friend and family members. I started doing crafts shows and Garage sales and grew my business.

I wrote this post to help inspire any of you out there that may dream of enhancing your creative skills but think there is no hope. Once upon a time, I did not feel skilled enough. Thanks to the many Artists out there that shared some of their talent is what helped me to develop my own .  Keep working toward your dreams. They do come true!!

To see pictures of some of the other ones I found and scanned in, click below. I'll add more of my first houses, as I find them. Like my very first Greenleaf kit (which was a Tiffany and Arthur)

Thanks for stopping by to read my blog!


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1 comment:

  1. This is a really inspiring blog post, Tracy! I just discovered that after all this time, I hadn't become a friend with Google Friend Connect. But now I am! :-D
