Monday, June 6, 2011

Lily Dollhouse Building Blog Days 6 - 8

August 13 2006
Posted by Minis On The Edge
Hiding Electrical Wires

Please Notice the date above of this blog. I use a different method now in hiding the wires. If you look at some of my current blogs you can see how creative I have gotten in hiding these wires. I still like the hard wire method the best.

I promised to show a step by step on hiding my wires from my lights. First of all, I always look for a a good place to put them in the ceiling. I then start looking for a good corner to hide the wires in:

 I take some quick grip glue and glue your wires into place in the corner

While the glue dry, I add tape to keep them in place. Before I add clay, I add electrical tape to the wires. The clay goes OVER the wall which will cover the tape and wires. If you add the wires in areas where base board/trim will be (which is usually in the corners and op or bottom of the walls) please note that the trim hides the wires very well and you can wallpaper over it that way better too (you won't need electrical tape over the wires and some wood trim have grooves cut into them to fit the hard wire in neatly).

August 13 2006
Posted by Minis On The Edge
Adding Floors

Well I added some of the Hardwood floors. I used Corona Concepts Siding strips to do the floors in the attic. I then started adding the roof supports:

 I used the floor tiles for this room

October 4 2006
Posted by Minis On The Edge
Roof Added

 This house has been sitting in my garage since my last post because We were trying to sell our home. Well, we took it off the Market for now because this is my busy season and I HAVE to finish this house BEFORE I move cause I promised the buyer that I would!!

Well, I felt some of the trim is a bit plain so to add some detail I bought some wood strips from Hobby Lobby with a nice design on it. I then went through LOTS of it trying to miter the ends correctly :whistle:

I also changed the trim color because the Green was not moving me and I don't Think the owner of this house was in love with the color either (Though she never said she was or wasn't).

I have been making some Architectural detailed items to add to this house and so now, I am adding more lights and things so that I will only have to the clay left to add on the house :) Here is where I am so far and this blog will be updated Daily now. 

The roof popped in very easily. The roof parts were perforated so they did bend easily for me. The roof trim was easy to figure out. The Verge Board trims were the parts that had me guessing for a while :p .  One tip I must share is to remember to never leave a project without writing good detail notes about where you left off at ;)

October 14 2006
Posted by Minis On The Edge
Adding Roof Trim & Dormers

 At first I looked at the dormer sides and thought I must have been crazy cause I could not figure out how they went :)

Well after looking at the INSTRUCTIONS which I had put aside cause I had decided I did not need them anymore ( :whistle: That's what I get Huh, I still need them :) ) , I figured it out and Ohh How I love the dormers and trim and all. This house has a lot of character!!

The Curved part sits right on the roof

Then you add the front part

I also added my own trim to the roof 

Thank You so much for stopping by to read my blog!
Thought Of The day ~
Give thanks for what you are now, and keep fighting for what you want to be tomorrow.  ~Fernanda Miramontes-Landeros

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