Saturday, June 4, 2011

Lily Dollhouse Build Blog Day 1 Shell & Staircase

02 June 2006
Posted by Minis On The Edge
Starting The Lily

The kit box picture of this house shows what a beautiful Victorian house this can become. As always, in my minds eye , I saw this house becoming something different. Follow along with my blog and watch how I built this house.

I started construction on this house and I must totally say "hats off" to all of you who have built this house WITHOUT the use of pictures. I am a very visual person (to the point of distraction at times) but I must say, because I have built so many houses of Greenleafs (Plus I read the instructions several times and I had friends pictures that I have seen over the past months) I have not had any real problems in reading and following the instructions so far.

I LOVE the interlock construction of this house. It allows you to dry build the house and really see how the house comes together without worrying about the glue setting in case of a misplacement.

Here are pictures to help you along with following step one

This is the interlocking of the first floor

This is a side way glance of the first floor coming together.

This is step 2 & 3

02 June 2006
Posted by Minis On The Edge
Putting The Staircase Together

I LOVE the Staircase in this house. The rooms are large enough that you can actually USE the staircase & have lots of room to decorate the room still. I also like the stairs facing away from you once they are in the room. The built in bookcase on the second floor staircase is a PERFECT use of space also.

This is the 1st side & back piece

2nd staircase side and top back added

Now to lay the stairs on the table to add the risers will looks like this

This is the fully assembled 1st floor stair case

02 June 2006
Posted by Minis On The Edge
Putting The 2nd floor Staircase Together

This is the pictures of the 2nd floor staircase with the bookcase included. I LOVE it!!

I used Quick Grip Glue to assemble this because stairs need to go together fast. Who has time to wait for wood glue to dry while assembling the stairs :) ?

Then You add the back & sides of the bookcase together

After interlocking the bookcase assembly to the 2nd floor stairs, I started adding the risers

These are the staircases put together

 Thought of the day ~ "People of character do the right thing, not because they think it will change the world but, because they refuse to be changed by the world." ~ Michael Josephson

Thank You for stopping by to read my blog today!



  1. I know this is an old blog, but is there any particular reason you did the stair cases first? We have just completed the window assemblies and have attached them to the walls, I was just wondering about your order as opposed to the directions. ? Thanks! Nikki

  2. Thanks for this post! this is a super cool design. Keep up the good work here!
