Friday, May 13, 2011

IN MINIATURE STYLE II Meet My Guest Christine Verstraete

Today, I welcome miniaturist and writer Christine Verstraete who's stopped by to talk about her new book,IN MINIATURE STYLE II

Hi Tracy, thanks for letting me appear on your blog! I'm happy to talk about minis (what else is there, right?) - and celebrate release of my latest book, IN MINIATURE STYLE II. The book is available in eBook/pdf, Kindle, iPad, other e-formats, and print.

The book includes updated and new features, photos & dozens of new how-to projects in various categories by talented miniaturists and IGMA artisans. See above link for photos, details and where to buy.

As her readers already know, Tracy does some FANTASTIC houses using paper clay, and living near her, I'm lucky enough to see them in person, and see what she's working on! What's fun, too, is we can get together and have our own "minis" day, something we don't do enough of, I might add. (Insert guilt trip here. haa!)

Now, Tracy and I may be friends, but I will add my disclaimer here that it does not obligate her to say anything other than her personal opinion. (Okay, I'll let go of her arm now. Sheesh, I wasn't squeezing that hard! haaa!) Anyway, here's her thoughts on IN MINAITURE STYLE II and then we'll get to the contest stuff. (Impatient, impatient...)

Chris really didn't twist my arm because I personally LOVED this new book! We have had several "Mini fun" days together and she has been one of those people who challenged me to do better and to learn something new. She even did a "Mini Play Date" with me and my daughters and we made flowers! It's Great to have someone like her who lives close enough to do dollhouse stuff with but, this is not why I recommend this book!

I recommend this book because I truly enjoyed reading it and I am in the process of gathering supplies to do several of these projects with my daughters during the summer. This book covers so many different topics in miniatures. Some of my favorites were the "How To" projects for, creating a porch scene, making wire and glue flowers, and how to make an easy chair and to dress and wig a store display bust.

One of my favorites were done by Chris herself on how to create a vignette with an "Old World" finish. Every time I got to her house, I love looking at the many "mini" scenes she has and the project she featured for this project is one that I simply adore! This book was also delightful because it has several patterns to go along with the projects. So, no matter what your skill level is, you  can create any of these projects for your dollhouse or vignette scenes in miniature. This book also covers different scales and even have patterns that goes along with the instructions to several projects. The final thing I really thought was wonderful is the fact that I can read and view it on my iPod Touch.

So, on to... The Contest!
Each blog on the tour features one question for a kind of online scavenger hunt. The answer may be at Chris's blog (type the words in the search box in left column), but will most likely be on her website. Hint: click miniatures, a good place to start, or see the IN MINIATURE STYLE II book page and video.

Comment on that day's blog (DO NOT post the question's answer!) to be eligible to win the day's prize. Then collect all 7 answers --- EMAIL all to me with Blog Tour in subject line to chris @ (remove spaces or click contact at website or on blog) - DO NOT POST ANSWERS ONLINE!!. There's a new question and prize each day. Names will be drawn from correct entries. **See Chris's blog for the prize list and tour schedule.**

Today's Contest Question
Question 3: What is the dog holding?

Christine Verstraete
NEW In Miniature Style II ebook:
NEW Now in Print:
Searching for a Starry Night: #1 Kindle for minis eBook!


  1. Tracy thanks for the NICE review, and for hosting me. I do appreciate it! I love your blog and hope people stop by to see some of the great stuff you do, too!

  2. I'd do it anytime for you Chris!! Hugs to you my friend!!
