Monday, May 23, 2011

The Glencroft Dollhouse Starting The Build

 Day One (Original Blog Post was on June 15, 2005)

I was so excited when I received this kit in the mail. I totally LOVE Cottages and Tudor styled cottages are even better!!

I thought this house was going to be a piece of cake. Shucks, I had put together so many Greenleaf kits (some even bigger than this one). I was in for a BIG surprise!! On a level of 1 - 10 based on difficulty, I must say this kit is at an 7. There are SO many parts to it!

When I first started on direction part A1 - A3 it went together similar to the others:

By the time we got to A4 that is when the headache began. It was not hard, it was just so many parts to locate, label then figure out where it went. It took me 2 hours to do step A1 - A18

I thought I would be further along and I went to my OLD directions (from the 1983 Glencroft kit) several times to see an actual picture of the steps. I must say, the newer ones (the drawings) are easier to follow because the parts are marked "A, B, C etc...

This is going to be a Wonderful house when completed. Just be sure to KNOW, you will spend some time on it. Just looking at the shell, I have decided wallpaper for a couple of the rooms. This house has plenty of character and Charm. This is going to be a WONDERFUL ride!! :p I did not know I was going to be challenged with this house and I am pretty glad because it can get dull building quick build houses all of the time.

Thank you for reading my blog!

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