Monday, May 23, 2011

Glencroft Dollhouse Build Completed and Finished

(The Original Date of this Blog Entry was July 28 2005)

I have been finished for a few days now. When these pictures were taken, the kitchen did not have the stone floor finished yet but I will update it later. I have added paperclay to the complete base of the house and added trim around the doorways. I am VERY pleased at how this house has turned out. My houses NEVER end up looking the way I imagine it to look in the beginning. The finished product has left me very happy. The hardest part was adding the beams and the next hard part for me was doing all of this clay work on this house B) !!

I really hope my entries in this blog help you, the reader, to see we ALL have frustrating moments while building. The thing is to keep looking ahead to the finished product and when all else fails, put down the directions and BASH & Edit the house to fit YOU!!

Thank you for reading my blog! Please contact me if you are interested in me doing a custom build for yourself or as a gift to someone you love!

You can see the Completed pictures of THIS Glencroft I completed here:

You can see the other one I did later in 2008 here:

Glencroft Greenelaf Dollhouses

Thank You for stopping by to read my blog!!

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