Monday, May 30, 2011

Building The Un Haunted Dollhouse Kit

Please follow along with my blog on building the Greenleaf Dollhouse Kit called The Haunted House Kit. I was asked by the owners of Greenleaf Dollhouses Company to build all of their kits about a year or so after they asked me to become the Admin of their forum because they knew I loved their product and they knew I had built many of them. They also loved the way I "Saw" their kits. I always saw beyond what was on the box cover and I love to inspire others to do the same. My theory is, think outside the box. I do that with everything in life. 

I am moving some of my build blogs over to this blog to try and keep things in one place.
I get questions about a blog I did and to be honest, because I have built so many houses, I forget sometimes "where" I blogged something at. Hopefully this will help my Miniature Dollhouse friends and also some of my clients who have started building houses on their own.

Thank You for stopping by to read my blog!

07 September 2005
Posted by Minis On The Edge
 It's Here Day One

I was so excited to get this kit. This is one of those kits that can be done MANY different ways. As a matter of fact, I plan on doing two of these. They are Quick to build & easy to Edit. Also, I don't see this house being a "Haunted House" As usual, I see it being a stone house but with a twist. I've been wanting to create a Mountain base for the next Kit I built and I decided to share it with you!

I decided to create a Cave under the house. This house will sit on a Mountain Cliff base. First, I started building the house.

I decided I did not like the Window Grids so I cut them out: 

I also decided to do some "Kit bashing" (editing the kit) and create a base by using materials I had on hand. Some people are afraid to use Foam Board because they think it is not sturdy enough. I like it because it is light weight and I can cut it with my hobby knife.

I added the walls. It will add another 9 inches to the height and 17 inches wide and 11" deep.

I used Grill scewers (grocery store item) to add the side walls to the front wall. This will help keep this base in place while the glue dries.

I pushed it in about 3 or four inches and cut the exposed parts off with my east cutter.I then took those Drink Holders you get from Mcdonalds and cut them up and glued them on the base. I also use tape till the glue dried. I used a hot glue gun after a while because this will NOT come off after I am finished.

I decided to add stairs to the side of the house I cut seven 2" x 2" (approx.) pieces and hot glued them on. The clay and plaster strips with give it extra strength.

 After looking at this I decided there needed to be an entry way into the base so I cut out a opening:

 This is the inside so far: 

07 September 2005
Posted by Minis On The Edge
Day One Part 2 (late night)

I mentioned I was going to use plaster strips all over the base before I add the paper clay. So I started by cutting the strips first. You can buy this stuff at Hobby Lobby or any train supply store

You need a bowl of hot water & and a 1" paint brush & scissors too. I used a plastic bowl because it is easier to just throw it away when I am finished. You can not use it for food after using it for this purpose.

Cut strips then dip them in HOT water from the faucet. Then smooth out the strips with a paint brush 

This is the end of my Day one. Remember, dare to make your miniature dreams come true!!

This ends Day one of my building the Haunted House Kit by Greenleaf Dollhouses. Thank you for stopping by to read my Blog!! Thought of the Day ~ Those unwilling to dream ... shall not waken.


  1. It's looking so un-haunted--I love it! Can't wait to watch the progress! And so glad I found your blog! :-)

  2. I'm so happy you found me too because I am loving your blog! Thank you so much for stopping by to read.
