Thursday, March 3, 2011

Greenleaf Gazette Dollhouse Bed & Dresser Tutorial

Just wanted to share this months Greenleaf Gazette Newsletter with you all! It is full of several articles that I think you may enjoy reading. The Editor Deb Roberts, did an exceptional job (as usual) bringing us another wonderful online Newsletter. What makes her so Wonderful is the fact that she has not been feeling too well & have several real life health issues that she is dealing with yet, each month she brings this Wonderful Newsletter to us so I wanted to say "Thank You" to her because what she does is very much appreciated!

I mentioned to some of you that I did a tutorial for the "Pretty Bed" & " Faux Wall Dresser" I created for the Shabby Chic inspired dollhouse. Those Tutorials are featured this month in the Greenleaf Gazette. You can read them here:

For those following my workouts and are interested in that today is day #4 of my TurboFire workout Today I remembered to drink my recovery drink! I can totally tell the difference. I am not as sore and so far, I LOVE the music and the new moves I am learning. 

Each day there is a different DVD to do so, I get that "Muscle Confusion" effect that I have talked about to some of you.  Some of the moves are the same ones Chalene Johnson had in her Turbo Jam program. The Music is Turbo Charged and so are the moves. If you are afraid that it may be too intense for you, don't worry, they have  three different workout schedules depending on how you want to start out. They have the Regular Schedule and a Prep Schedule (for those who want to ease into it) and then a Super Charged Hybrid Schedule that is a mixture of TurboFire & Chalene Extreme. Anyway, I'll keep you all posted on my progress with this on
Thank You So Much for stopping by to read my Blog Today and I want to Thank All of you who has subscribed to my Blog! I hope you Enjoy the Tutorials and I hope my post has inspired you in some way.

Thought Of The Day ~ Procrastinate, Procrastinate Procrastinate... does it work? I'll tell ya later... LOL

Remember that whatever you do, do it with Passion!

☆♥☆♥ Tracy ☆♥☆♥

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