Thursday, March 31, 2011

CDHM The Miniature Way Online Magazine Dollhouse Lighting

Have you ever completed your dollhouse and lighting and had the wonderful rush of excitement because you know in your heart that you have finally completed your task?  As you stand back and look at your project, have you ever noticed one of your light fixtures has a light that is not working? Was it one of the light fixtures that does not have replaceable light bulbs?

Well, you might want to click the following link to read this months New CDHM Miniature Way Magazine. It's a FREE online iMagazine and this month, I wrote an article about the issue mentioned above. See how I fixed the problem by checking out this months Issue! To go directly to the link of my Article, click Dollhouse Lighting . There are a couple of really inspiring free projects in this online magazine such as how to create "cracked eggs" by Christine Wex.

Also, our Famous Betsy Niederer is doing an online tutorial on French Pastries. Yes, this is the Betsy who was featured on Martha Stewart's show back in 2008. Yes, that is the show that I did a Dollhouse Prop for, that also showed on air on Martha. Haven't seen it still? You can check out that free tutorial by clicking Martha Stewart Featuring Betsy Niederer, CDHM, Greenleaf Dollhouses, Tracy Topps

OK, I'm off to start writing descriptions for the new items I will be listing in my CDHM store. Thank You so much for stopping by to read my blog today!

Thought of the Day ~ Good for the body is the work of the body, and good for the soul is the work of the soul, and good for either is the work of the other.  ~Henry David Thoreau

Hope you are having a FUNtastic day! I know, it's a work in progress! :D
✿•*¨`*•. (¯`v´¯) (¯`v´¯) .•*¨`*•✿
. . . ✿•*¨`*•.¸(¯`v´¯)¸.•´*¨`*•✿ . . .
………. ....♥ •.¸.•´♥…………...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Half Scale Dollhouse Custom Stone Fireplace

The other day, I completed the insides of the latest halfscale Buttercup Cottage that a client of mine commissioned me to do. This time, I electrified it so it will have working lights for her.

She wanted this one to look similar to the other stone 1/2" scale Buttercup I did so, I have been shopping around looking for a fireplace that fits this cottage because it runs on the smaller side of halfscale. I wanted the fireplace to be the correct size according to the room space available.  I was hoping to find one that was already electrified with burning embers and fire wood in place but, I found no such thing  anywhere.

I was able to find some really neat 1/2" scale fireplaces from other people. They just were not what we were looking for so I decided to go ahead and make one. Of course, the stones are done from Creative Paperclay  . To create the burning wood fireplace effect, I had to get creative and find the right stuff so it would be appropriate in this smaller scale (wood for logs, correct light bulb to fit inside).

This is what I came up with after 2 attempts.

It's not installed yet because there are a few things I gotta fix (aging the mantle) but for the most part, that is what it's going to look like after it's installed.

That is all for now. I hope to be finished with this halfscale house this week and I will post pictures after my client see the house and says it is completed the way she envisions it. Thank You for stopping by to check out my Blog! Also, I would like to Welcome to my Newest Blog Readers!

Thought Of the Day ~ "When you worry, you go over the same ground endlessly and come out the same place you started. Thinking makes progress from one place to another; worry remains static. The problem of life is to change worry into thinking and anxiety into creative action." ~ Harold B. Walke

♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪
♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Greenleaf Dollhouses Spring Fling 2011

Greenleaf just posted on their official website about the 2011 Spring Fling Contest. They are sharing new shots of this Great new kit they will be offering in a few days. You can read more info about this on their Official Blog by clicking below:

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Tracy Topps Dollhouse Tutorial Links

I Just thought I would add a list of some of the Tutorials I have done that are public and online. A lot of times, I get questions from people asking me how to do something and I have my tutorials over the years spread out all over the internet because I did them for different people or companies. So, Here is a list of Some of them. I will add more to this post whenever I think about it.

I Hope you enjoy!!

Thank you for stopping by! Scroll down to see some of my tutorials!!

You can see my Gallery by clicking Here: No Ad Picture Gallery

WebShots Gallery

Flickr Photo Stream

This is the link to my Greenleaf Gallery

Twitter Account Minis On The Edge

Minis On The Edge You-Tube You-Tube Channel

Minis On The Edge Tutorials

To See some of the Article's I Have Appeared In Click The Image:

April American Miniaturist 2008


November 2007 Miniaturus

Miniaturas Magazine from Spain

April 2007 Dollshouse & Miniature Scene

Lily On The Cover

Dollhouse Round Wire electrifying tip

Haunted House Kit

Paper Towel Quilt

Fireplace Structure Class

Fireplace Paperclay Application Steps

Burning Embers For Your Fireplace

Flower Border Class 

144th scale Castle (Matchbox Contest) 

Thought Of The Weekend ~  There is something beautiful about all scars of whatever nature. A scar means the hurt is over, the wound is closed and healed, done with.

Thank You For Stopping By To Check Out My Blog Today! I Hope you all are having a Fantastic Weekend!

~~ Tracy ~~

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Miniature Collector Dollhouse Magazine April 2011

Last night, I went to the Grocery store to pick up a few items. I have not been having the best of weeks this week. It's a Long complicated story and I would not want t bore you with it all but, the fact was that I was moody (OK and craving chocolate VERY badly, not a good combo LOL).

I decided to walk down the Magazine isle to see if they had any new Miniature Magazines for sale. Last month, I missed getting a copy of the Miniature Collector magazine. There were only a few copies when I went the beginning of the month but, when I went back the next week, they had sold out so I was not gonna make that mistake again.

It's funny but every month I look and hope that there will be more than just one Publishing company offering their Dollhouse magazines at the stores but no, only my Faithful Miniature Collector Magazine is there all alone every month so I scanned the cover quickly (because I was being rushed by someone) and off I went to start my food shopping.

When I got home, I decided to do a quick scan of the Magazine (you know, look at the pictures) and then read it the next day. I got to page 6 and saw my name! Someone asked a Question under "Readers, Forum" about if there were any Paperclay tutorials published by any one. It said something along the line that "Master dollhouse makers are using this material" and then the lady Emily  mentioned my dollhouse she found on Flickr by me. This is the picture She shared the link too:

Tracy Topps Glencroft Dollhouse Kit Greenleaf

Miniature Collector mentioned the May 2000 article that Rik Pierce (who is my Mentor/Teacher and who I learned my techniques from) did for them. The Editor also mentioned that the issue could be back ordered.

You Can order that magazine article by going to Scott's Publications and you can click "back issues" or even purchase a subscription. Also, if you search my blog using the search feature, you'll be surprised at how many tutorials, I have added and blogged about. One of them can be found here within this blog 
You can use the exact same steps to apply the clay to a house, fireplace, walkway or anything else. Hope this helps anyone looking to start on the path of creating their own scenes with Paperclay. Please share the link to pictures of your paperclay items!

I fell off the boat regarding working out this week. I only worked out one day. This week, my schedule has been interrupted by real life issues that has important deadlines that must be met or the sky will fall down lol. Today, the plan is to do Turbo Fire before I get sidetracked. (Like as soon as I finish this blog entry).

Thank You for choosing to read my blog & Welcome to my new Subscribers who are following my blog entries!!

Thought of the Day (which is yesterday's if you follow me on Facebook) ~  Don't waste the time you have! The sun never rises twice in the same day.

 Whatever you do, do it with Great Love & Passion


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Greenleaf Gazette Dollhouse Bed & Dresser Tutorial

Just wanted to share this months Greenleaf Gazette Newsletter with you all! It is full of several articles that I think you may enjoy reading. The Editor Deb Roberts, did an exceptional job (as usual) bringing us another wonderful online Newsletter. What makes her so Wonderful is the fact that she has not been feeling too well & have several real life health issues that she is dealing with yet, each month she brings this Wonderful Newsletter to us so I wanted to say "Thank You" to her because what she does is very much appreciated!

I mentioned to some of you that I did a tutorial for the "Pretty Bed" & " Faux Wall Dresser" I created for the Shabby Chic inspired dollhouse. Those Tutorials are featured this month in the Greenleaf Gazette. You can read them here:

For those following my workouts and are interested in that today is day #4 of my TurboFire workout Today I remembered to drink my recovery drink! I can totally tell the difference. I am not as sore and so far, I LOVE the music and the new moves I am learning. 

Each day there is a different DVD to do so, I get that "Muscle Confusion" effect that I have talked about to some of you.  Some of the moves are the same ones Chalene Johnson had in her Turbo Jam program. The Music is Turbo Charged and so are the moves. If you are afraid that it may be too intense for you, don't worry, they have  three different workout schedules depending on how you want to start out. They have the Regular Schedule and a Prep Schedule (for those who want to ease into it) and then a Super Charged Hybrid Schedule that is a mixture of TurboFire & Chalene Extreme. Anyway, I'll keep you all posted on my progress with this on
Thank You So Much for stopping by to read my Blog Today and I want to Thank All of you who has subscribed to my Blog! I hope you Enjoy the Tutorials and I hope my post has inspired you in some way.

Thought Of The Day ~ Procrastinate, Procrastinate Procrastinate... does it work? I'll tell ya later... LOL

Remember that whatever you do, do it with Passion!

☆♥☆♥ Tracy ☆♥☆♥

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Greenleaf Dollhouse Spring Fling 2011 Sneak Peek

It's March 1st which gives us only 19 more days before it's officially time for the Greenleaf Spring Fling Contest kick-off! This year's kit is really going to be something special. Last year's kit had the main garage and then you could upgrade the kit by purchasing the side addition which came with a small porch/deck.

Well, this year's project will come with the main kit plus there will be other items to add on to it. So far (Today to be exact) Dean posted a picture on the official Greenleaf blog of one of the items that can be added to the contest kit.

They are really stepping out this Spring by adding these cool stairs which can be used with the contest house and other houses to add that special look you may be trying to achieve. You can read Dean's official Blog entry by clicking here

Dollhouse-Kits Blog

Spring is in the air!

Thought Of The Day ~ "When you worry, you go over the same ground endlessly and come out at the same place you started. Thinking makes progress from one place to another; worry remains static. The problem of life is to change worry into thinking and anxiety into creative action." ~

Turbo Fire.... Day 2 (Can't believe I survived day one smile.gif . I am about to push play! Have you done your workout today)?

Thank You For Stopping By To Read My Blog Today!

Whatever You Do Today, Do It With Great Passion!

☼•*¨☼*•.¸¸☼ Tracy ☼ ¸¸.•*☼¨*•☼