Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Customized Dollhouses, Contest for 2011, Fitness etc...

I'm just so Excited!! Dean just sent me the "Mock Up" picture of the 2011 Greenleaf Dollhouses Spring Fling Contest Doll House and right away, I saw it in my "minds eye" being "kit bashed" ("edited" to those not used to this term) in several different ways!

I called him because we had not talked at all this week and I know we have only about 1 week or so  before he has to ship one to me to decorate for the contest. This morning I had run out to do some errands and when I got home, I sat down to do some work and thought "I should call him now before I start on something". Dean answered the phone and the first words out of his mouth was "what did you think of it"? Well, I was not at the computer nor had I checked it this morning so the next thing Dean heard was my loud scream of excitement (Sorry Dean lol)!!

I am totally in love with it and we have changed the dollhouse style for this years contest 3 times (This one is the third) and I am the most excited about this one because it can be edited to fit whatever the contestant desires. I can not wait to see the real house because the mock up is Wonderful. It is another Laser Cut house and it will be a 1" scale Dollhouse and March 20th can't come soon enough!

I am bursting with wanting to share a picture with you all but alas, I can't but I could not hide the fact that this years kit so far has me the most excited of all the past kits.

Today, I am about to start working on some more resin hand painted cellar doors. I am also working on some tables that I will be putting up for sell on eBay (or maybe I'll try selling on etsy this time). I have a lot of new items I have been working on all winter and I know I have not been selling much on ebay as I used to. I like to Thank all of my past clients who send me notes asking about what I have been working on and checking in to see if I am OK. It's great to have Clients that are also Friends!

Here is a shot of one of the cellar doors. I made the original out of wood and then I made a mold and made some resin ones to sell (it's faster to do this way and the cost is less for the customer)

I don't have pictures of the tables yet but will soon!

My next 2 projects are special order half inch scale Buttercups and then I have a Special order for a Chantilly which should take up the rest of winter and part of Spring since I also have a few other things I am working on in between those projects. I am taking custom orders for the smaller houses right now to be finished by Summers end. Unfortunately, I will not be doing any of the bigger houses this year.

I hope to have my website back up and running soon. I closed it because I had several personal things I had to take care of starting last August and finally, I have been able to take a breather and get back on track with the Miniatures. I have a lot of fun ideas floating around in my head and you should see them popping up a little at a time for purchase so keep checking my blog and my website address will still be I will make announcements when the website is up and running again! The snow is melting outside and it has me thinking of Spring.

Well, I think I better get up and start working on some things. My workout today will be Arms & Shoulders P90X. I may walk on the treadmill too later on. I am thinking of switching up my routine and am thinking of doing a new workout program Turbo Fire . I ordered it because I love the Turbo Jam work outs and this program is from the same Trainer, Chalene Johnson. I'll let you know soon when I get it and start doing it. 

My Niece is getting married this Spring and so is a Friend of mine and the weddings are approaching too soon!  I gotta look good so I gotta keep fit. I Love music and the music was cool with the Turbo Jam workouts and I think I need a switch from Turbo Jam & P90X because, though I love the results, I am getting bored (which means I won't stick with it soon if I don't change it up again).

 The Thought Of The Day ~  "Challenges make life interesting, however, overcoming them is what makes life meaningful." Mark Twain

Thank you for stopping by to read my blog today!
Whatever you do, do it with Passion! 

•*¨*•.¸¸♥ Tracy ♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•

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