
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Pink & Shabby Custom Dollhouse Day #1

Today,I realized that I have not blogged since November. One of my goals is to keep up with blogging at least weekly. Today, I'll not only blog to let you know "I'm sill here" but, I'll give you a little tutorial that I hope you will enjoy, use and share your "Eye Candy" with me when you use it for your own project.

As a child I had the typical pink bedroom that most girls my age had. When I grew up, I decided to keep my walls a neutral color in my bedroom because I LOVE to change the curtains & comforters to create a "New Look".

Being a Creative person, I get bored with the same surroundings. Lately, I have been craving that girlie room in shades of white and pink but, I know I don't want those colors in my real house. Once again I was able to create this special desire in a Miniature form .

The house I picked this time is from the 2009 Greenleaf "Contest house kit". I wanted to do something fast so that I could move on to my newest idea (A Castle Tower which I want to start on before this month's end). So this morning, I woke up at 3 am with the idea that I would do the "Girlie Get-A-Way" house first. I choose wallpapers from Itsy Bitsy Minis. I Love her patterns and I am so happy one of my Clients introduced me to there fabulous wallpaper designs.

I started building the basic kit and decided I wanted white wood floors and decided to share this "How to" with you.

First I painted the floor a peony pink. I did this because sometimes, you can see in between the cracks and the natural wood color would not look professional or clean peaking through the cracks. You can paint the floor what ever color you will use as your accent color in your room. Sometimes, I even use black on the base floor when I am creating a dark wood floor for a room.

Then, I took a bag of the Greenleaf Thin Siding Strips and cut them different lengths and glued them down to the floor. I cut them in a staggered way because that is how "Real Life" hardwood floor. You don't want the cut lines to align.

This is how it should look when completed.

Lightly sand the wood floor with sand paper. Wipe off the excess wood dust. Take out your Paint brush, white paint and about 1 ounce of water. Saturate your paint brush with your white paint and then, dip it in water. Brush the watered down paint evenly on the wood flooring.

You want the wood grain to peep through! This is what it should look like when dry:

Next, take a small stencil pattern and stencil a border around the perimeter of the floor.

It should look like this when this step is complete:

Next, you'll want to seal your floor with varnish. I used a "flat" finish. You can use a glossy or a flat varnish finish depending on the look you desire. This is what the room looked like when I finished today. Tomorrow, I'll start the outside of my "Girlie Cottage"!

Remember these are just the basics! You can change it or alter it to fit your own special plans for your dollhouses!


Thank you For stopping by to read my Blog!

Thought Of The Day ~ "If you don't like how things are, change it! You're not a tree." ~Jim Rohn


Anonymous said...

omg!!! LOVE the stencil :D Linda x

Amanda DeVirgilio said...

wonderful tutorial! :D Great photos and easy to follow, thank you for taking the time to share :)

MinisOnTheEdge said...

Glad you Like it! I try to keep it simple and am glad to know you feel I did it. Now you gotta Promise to share pictures if you use it to one of your dollhouses! :)