Thursday, May 20, 2010

Dollhouse Fun In May

Okay, it's May and I have not talked about what projects I am working on. I am finishing up the Beacon Hill so it will be out of my house very soon. I Love that house but it's so large for my small space. I guess that's why I am happy Greenleaf has come out with the halfscale dollhouse line.

I will also start selling some of my houses in a Brick &Mortar store in New York. I am so excited about that and need to get cracking on their order so they'll have them in time for their Grand Opening. I will give details of the place as soon as I have permission to do so.

I also have pictures of a halfscale house that was done for a customer who LOVES stone cottages and I never added the shots of it to a public Gallery so here you go.


When I did this house, I was so worried about getting the stones the correct size and measurement. I really wanted to bring the "Feel" of real stones in 1/2" scale. I was so worried that I would so them too big or that they would not look authentic. I was quite pleased with how it turn out though. I think I got the look down very well. My customer will be decorating the insides herself so it's unfinished.

This is a front opening house so the trick was figuring out how to do the base of the house since it's not an open back dollhouse:



I made it so that the house lifts off the base:


I'll have more "eye  candy" for you all in a few days!