Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Tom Bishop Dollhouse Show 2010 Class Favorites

Last week I had a Totally Terrific time at the Tom Bishop International Dollhouse & Miniature show. I took Rik Pierce's class. It was a 4 day class and mine still is not finished. I decided to redo my insides downstairs LOL. It is the "Fair Rosamond's Bower" . This is Riks house:

DSCF5835 DSCF5842DSCF5836

There were so many Fabulous classes going on that it was hard to choose which one I wanted to do but, I know I always Love doing a class with Rik so this year, I took his class. Next year, I think I am going to do a half scale class (not sure yet cause I gotta see it first).

Just like every year, the week starts off with the Workshops. It was so Great to see long time friends and to meet new ones too.  There were just so many wonderful classes to choose from. I Love Teresa Layman Gigerbread house. 

Jo Bevilacqua had a very elegant class. The pictures just don't do it justice:

I also loved the Medieval Kitchen by Sue & Eamonn O’Rourke

 Also Kari Bloom had a Elegant half scale roombox and it was just so pretty! These were the only classes I had the chance to peek into cause I was working in a workshop myself. Kerri items are always just Fabulous!

I only had a few pictures of the actual show & sale part and will post pictures of that later today. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog!


  1. Wow- thanks for posting the pictures!! I wanted to go so bad but could not talk the hubby into it- I've never been to a show before. I think it would be so fun to take a class- you must have had a blast :)

  2. Gosh, you were sooo lucky to be able to be a part Rik Pierce's class! I'd love to attend one and build a little house...alas I don't think he's ever done a class in the UK.

    Your dollshouses are fantastic!! :o))

    Michelle :O)

  3. Tracy Thank you so much for allowing me to place The Burrow pictures on my blog.
    Like Michelle I'd Love to do a Rik Pierce class. I particularly like his crooked house.
    Mini Hugs xxxx

  4. Tracy, I too envy those of you who could take classes with the masters. I can imagine how a Rik Pierce class will so appeal to you since you are always building for your clients. These are lovely pictures! Thank you for sharing them :).

  5. Tracy,
    I was great to meet you in the class. The workshop was fantastic and Rik was such a nice person and teacher.
    I am still working on adding paperclay to the exterior of my house.
    I would love to see pictures of your house as your progress.

  6. Rik is such an awesome Teacher! I had a ball taking a class from him again this year. I had not taken a class from him for the past 3 years but this house called to my imagination. Donna, we'll keep in touch! I wanna see how you finish yours too!

  7. These minis are sooo great! Thank you for sharing them! I wish I had some workshops like that in my country. Kari Bloom's roombox is fantastic!
