Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Fun Day With Friends

The Last Friday of October, I was so excited because I had made plans to go see my friend Teresa! She lives Near Madison Wisconsin and I live in the Kenosha Area (2.5 hours away). Earlier in the Week, my girls had the sniffles and I was worried that I would not get to see her. By Thursday morning, I decided to let Teresa know that they were not at 100% so that I could give her the choice of taking the chance and Catching it or not. I was so excited when she said "Come anyway and I'll have a box of tissues for you all"! That's one of the reasons why I always liked her, she's the type of person who will say "The show must go on".

So the girls and I had our stuff ready to go and we set off with our Yahoo map. 1 hr 45min later, the map said that we were only 10 min away. I was looking for the sign showing the airport and I knew I missed it. So we called Teresa and she helped us get back on track. According to the Map, my next step was to find CRM W (That is the way it showed on the map). Here on my side of Wisconsin, there are roads marked with multiple letters so we kept looking for the sign that said CRM W. 10 min later, we call Teresa again and discovered we were on the road to being totally lost LOL. 2 hours later (After talking to a Cop & Teresa a few more times) I found out that CR on the map meant "County Road" so I should have been looking for County Road "M" the W meant West though it did not say that on the map (stupid Yahoo map LOL) I did make it back on track to her house with the help of Teresa's Husband Brian & Teresa's nice calm voice guiding me along the way.

We arrived and the fun Began! She gave us a tour of her real home and introduced us to her wonderful pet family. Her birds are so cute and totally smart & friendly. The girls and I fell in love with them right away even though at first they were a bit shy. Picasso was my favorite and Sarah was in love with Baju. After we met the bird family, we met their wonderful Dog family. They too were very sweet (Especially Shelby) Oscar was a little fussy but I think it was just too many women in the house for his taste LOL. He was so funny. Any time Sarah moved he'd fuss and run away.

Then we went to the Dollhouse room and I got to meet her dollhouses in person!! They are so much more beautiful in person than the pictures she has up online. When we got to the last her houses, she had a present for me sitting there. She remembered that I collect Peacocks! Here is a picture of it:

After the girls and I enjoyed viewing her newest Dollhouse (The Clock Shop) and doll (House from Debsminis & Doll from Bella Dolls) we went to the Dungeon.

She had her table set up with everything we needed to have fun. Bowls of Candy and Doritos to snack on to keep the creative juices flowing. She had me send her pictures of the girls ahead of time and when we got there we saw why! She had Cardboard purses for the girls to decorate themselves and there picture fits in the outside pocket of it. She had paints, brushes and glitter and all things that sparkle. EVERYTHING that was Bling Bling was there! The girls were so excited. She then gave me a choice of wooden boxes the one I choose was circular and she told me to pick a pattern I would want to paint on it. I found one pattern but did not have the confidence that I could imitate it myself.

Well, I found out right away that Teresa is an EXCELLENT Teacher! She taught me how to hold the brush and where to add pressure to it to create the design I wanted and Violoa! I was able to create the same look on my box!! I was excited to see it look so much like the one in the pattern book. Here is a shot of that:

Brian (Teresa's Husband) Made Lunch (Taco's and Pop to drink & a layered Jello Surprise for desert ) which we ate on Teresa's fine China in her dinning room! We also drank our pop in her gorgeous Crystal Glasses. The girls were so excited because Brian & Teresa really made all of us feel like we were Special friends not just visitors stooping by! To see how special they treated the girls really touch my heart and made me feel once again how wonderful it is to know them and have them as friends. A few years ago we all went to the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago (My Family & Brian, Teresa & Teresa's "Little Sister") and My husband thought they were pretty cool too (which made me feel happy that he liked them right off too).

After we ate, we went back to Play in the Dungeon. Brian made us a Batch of his Special Chocolate Chip cookies and when I tell you they were the best things I ever tasted, I am not stretching the truth! They were totally Divine!! While we were working, Teresa mentioned she wanted to build a Lily dollhouse kit soon. Remember how I said I will never build that kit again unless the person paid me 1 Million dollars because it was one of those kits I had to read the instructions in order to do it right LOL (I hate reading instructions :) when I build even though it's a totally beautiful kit). Well, I told Teresa, when she decided to build it, that I would come spend an entire weekend with her and do it with her. As soon as she told me the story of the lady who will live in it (the doll she will have live there), I was totally sold on wanting to help her build it. Teresa is such a sweet and giving person. When you find people who are truly Good, you love to be around them and I think being with her while I build that house will be fun. I will keep you all posted on that event. The girls were bummed that I said I would stay at her house that weekend without them cause they really liked being there. It was great fun.

Here is a Picture of their project:

So as we completed our projects I noticed the time. I did not want to leave too late at night because as you remember, I got lost getting to her house. So as we prepared to leave, Teresa said I could follow her car to the highway so I would not get lost trying to find it (Even though Brian had already drawn me a map). I was touched by that.

You can get to know Teresa a little bit too by visiting her Blog at http://minimadwoman.blogspot.com/

Today, why not take the time and reflect on your friendships and think of how much your life is enhanced because of the friends in your life. Being with her that day made me think of the Scripture in the Bible found at Proverbs17:17 which says "A true companion is loving all the time, and is a brother that is born for when there is distress." (Quoted from the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures).

Brian & Teresa was so loving to us and she knew I was distressed about the drive & went out of her way to show me the correct way to get back on the highway so I'd make it home safely. Today, I celebrate my Friendships, Old & New! I hope you all do the same!

Thanks for stopping by to Read my Blog today!!


  1. This is the sweetest thing ever- and I have been having a bad day and this just really cheered me up so I have to say thank you for sharing this with us. Friendship is so important for our souls. Your girls look adorable with their purses too!

  2. I am glad my blog entry uplifted your spirit! Big Hugs to you Kim!! I hope your days get even more cheerful! ~ Tracy

  3. Tracy, I'm speechless! And you know that doesn't happen often! LOL!

    Your post really touched my heart and I appreciate you sharing it. It really was a great day . . . we enjoyed having you and the girls here and were disappointed when it was time for you to go! We'll definitely plan for you and the girls to come another time!

    Now about that weekend with the Lily . . . I'm ready when you're ready! LOL!!

    Take care dear friend!


  4. You Speechless LOL well, we gotta tell your mom about that one ;) I'll give you a call to set up a time to work on that Lily!~ Tracy
