Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My Friend Lynette Weight Loss Story

My Friend Lynette & her weight loss journey!

Well, I posted a new picture in my profile today and had a friend pop in to instant message me on facebook LOL I did not know I could do that in facebook (told ya I still don't understand the facebook thing but I'm getting there). It was so good to hear her voice and catch up.

She's has been my inspiration for working out this year. She has lost a total of 330 pounds. You can see pictures of here weight loss journey HERE . You can read and be inspired too by it by reading HERE . We met online many years ago (at least 6 years ago) and have had the chance to become really good friends and have even met offline in person to take classes together at the Bishop show about 4 years ago which were totally fun. You Go Nutti Web Gal and for those who know her personally, she is Lynette! Hugs & Congratulations to you my friend!! Thank you for always being such a bright spot of sunshine in the lives of many of us!!

this is her before the weight loss picture and what she looked like when I saw her in person:

She always have such a positive outlook and was always so cheerful. You would have never guess the turmoil she was feeling inside.
This is her now!!
I hope to be able to meet with her next year and catch up and have some fun! The Great thing is Lynette is still the same fun and cheerful person she has always been. I miss her on the Greenleaf dollhouse forum but I am so happy she is LIVING her life and enjoying it more actively now!

Okay, I am going to work out now!


  1. Tracy, isn't it awesome how far Lynette has come?!! She's such an inspiration! Sounds like she's off on a big adventure . . . you go girl!!


  2. that's sure inspiring and without being on a TV show! ha!

    hey stop by my blog for a blog award!

    Chris Verstraete
    Searching For A Starry Night, A Miniature Art Mystery

  3. Teresa, it is amazing and when I talked to her the other day, she is still just as perky and sweet as she has always been. Chris V, you are so right! you know what, I have never watched the biggest loser yet but have friends who are so inspired by that show. Me, I have real life heroes :)
