Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Rosedale Dollhouse Complete????

After having several people mention for me to do my regular "Thing" to this house, I did just that. I did add the roof finals but they are only tacked on for easy removal after the show. This one will be for sell at the show & my website. If it sells on the website, it will have a sold sign on it as Greenleaf is only using it for the table this year along with the Beaumont (They are doing that one in house).

I changed the Rose and created a pink "Climbing Rose" and there is a hedgehog in there too LOL. There are butterflies & Birds (Couldn't find my bunny rabbits). I'll stop rambling and share the pictures now. To see the complete Gallery click here.

Here is a teaser:

Rosedale Dollhouse Kit

"Thank You" to Everyone who responded in the comment area of my blog & to those who sent emails!



  1. Tracy, it's gorgeous! The landscaping is perfect . . . I love the little bench. I also love the gratework above the window!

    Well done!


  2. :D Thanks Teresa! I did get rid of the Roof finals at the top of the house! This is such a Cute house. the size is nice too!~ Tracy
