Saturday, August 1, 2009

Miniature Clematis Vine 4 Dollhouse

This Months Greenleaf Gazette has a tutorial on how I made a miniature clematis vine. I love to try new things on my dollhouse miniature scenes. I made this in 2008 and had a lot of fun putting this tutorial together for you all. I hope you enjoy it and please feel free to send pictures to me of your Clematis vine that you make so that I can see how much more talented you all are in doing flowers.

You can see it by clicking here: Tracy Topps Clematis Vine

You also gotta read the entire issue of the Greenleaf Gazette, there is a tutorial from Jen Barrick on the different Techniques she used to create her wonderful Loganberry Wind Mill from the 2009 Greenleaf Spring Fling.

You can see it by clicking here:

The Editor of The Gazette also create a wonderful collection of tips on how to create window treatments for your dollhouse.

You can see it by clicking here:

 Here are the supplies you need:

 Two shades of green paper
Lavender, pink and purple paper
Yellow gel pen for the center of flower
32 ga. wire
Ball stylus
Thick foam
Tacky glue
Brown paint
Leaf punch & flower punch as shown

 Cut the wire and knot it around and add a drop of tacky glue to hold it in place to make it look like a vine and paint it brown.

Using the tweezers and drops of tacky glue, add the leaves you punched out from the two shades of green paper.

 After you add all of the leaves, it is time to add the flowers.  Use the yellow gel pen to color a circle in the center of the flower. Take the Flowers and lay them on top of your thick foam piece. Press the center of each flower with your stylus to create a natural looking curve and it helps define each petal. You can even run the ball stylus over some of the petals too. Take the flower and glue them onto your leaves randomly. Add different colors randomly to your vine.

This is what it looks like after you have added all the flowers. Now 
you can add it to your miniature scenes.

Thanks for stopping by to read my Blog today!! See my Clematis vine below!



  1. Tracy, thanks for the links. A good reminder to read the newsletter too :). Your tips are easy and effective.

  2. Juat love that clematis, going to have a go and put it on the new Snow White house Im doing, thanks Tracy!
    Kate xx

  3. Glad you enjoyed the newsletter Sans!! It's just packed with so much fun stuff every month. Kate, I hope you both share pictures of yours when you try it !! I can not wait to see how it turns out! ~ Tracy

  4. I have just found your web site. I am a member of Greenleaf and I have a Green Leaf doll house that is still sitting in its box.

    I just haven't found the look yet that I want to give the house. Oh yes, I should say this will be my first dollhouse ever to put together. I have to say there are many reasons why I haven't started building the house yet. The biggest being that I haven't the space at this time to start the project.

    However that hasn't stopped me from trying my hand at making miniatures--I am a newbie, in all things miniatures. So when I run across a site like yours that gives tutorials on how-to's I am very thankful for all your information that you have shared. It gives me the belief that I too can make these beautiful creations. So again thank you so much for sharing.

  5. Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment! I appreciate that. You can see more of my free tutorials on my website at click the link that says "Free Workshops". Can't wait to know you better!
