Friday, May 15, 2009

Cynthia's Wisteria Dollhouse Cottage

Those who know me and my work, know I have a lot of fun altering the Greenleaf dollhouse Kits. I recently completed The Orchid Cottage kit by Corona Concepts (which is a Greenleaf dollhouse label). And I must say I have been in "love" with this house as soon as I started assembling it. It's amazing to see things begin to take shape and become the item that was in your "minds eye".

I was also very pleased to hear that my customer likes it too. It should be on it's way to her tomorrow but I wanted to post a few of the pictures here so that I could share this with you all. I am working on a huge Mansion right now for another Customer (Who is more like a Dear Friend). I have been so busy with that, that I have not posted this May so far! Thanks to all who emailed me or posted on the blog asking about me too. I am doing fine ( Just busy with houses & real life ). I promise to post more later ~ Tracy Topps


  1. Tracey this is wonderful. With this sort of stone on the outside did you just paperclay as a whole sheet and then mark in the stone pattern? I want to do my chocolatiers roomn box in stone as if its an old French building and thought paperclay may be the way to go. Many thanks, Kate xx

  2. Tracy this little house looks wonderful. I hope it will be Happy in its new home..

  3. It's gorgeous! Love the stone work.

  4. The Orchid turned out so nicely, Tracey. I studied your tutorial on how to make a garden scene and am attempting to make stone walls on a little project I'm working on! Pics coming soon!

  5. Looks great!!! Thanks for sharing. Mary mentioned something above about tutorials you have! Where can I find them???

  6. Thank you all so much for your compliments about my Cottage!! Kate, you could use a block of paper clay and then score a stone pattern in it but I did not. I laid the clay over the parts I want stone on. I have a lot of my tutorials posted here Senamena :

  7. Tracy, you always amaze me with your creations, but you just get better and better. This is gorgeous!

  8. Thanks for the link Tracey, it will come in so handy when I make the fairy house, and also the chocolatiers with stone walls! So many projects , too little time! Kate xx

  9. Tracy, you've created yet another beautiful house! Your houses always inspire me and leave me in awe . . . I love the wisteria!

    Thanks for sharing and I'm glad to hear that you're well, just busy!

  10. Deb, Kate & Teresa, Thank you all so much for your compliments!! I had a lot of fun doing this one. I am happy that I inspire you and bring smiles to your faces. I wish I had a real house like this one myself!! :)
