Saturday, April 4, 2009

Plain dollhouse roof gets a copper finished roof

I become very inventive when working on my dollhouses late at night. You know how it is, you have the kids in bed, the house is quiet. You decide to work on your house a find that you need to buy something from the store in order to complete that next step. Well, this has happened to me so many times. One of those times happened about seven years ago. I needed to make an aged copper roof and I decided I wanted it to look "weathered".

I had no thin craft copper to use but, I had paint (thank goodness to my addiction to buying those craft bottles of paint for "the" perfect project one day in the future LOL).

I weathered the wood by putting on a base coat color of "Sea Mist" by Deco Art. I let it dry then I "dry Brushed" the second color on which is "Metallic Antique Copper" by Folk Art.

This is the way it looks after it has been painted:


Don't be afraid to try something out of the box! Thinking out of the box can sometimes lead us to finding a new technique to share with others. It is also a wonderful way to keep that project moving along that would have otherwise been stuck because of a lack of materials.

Have fun!


  1. Thank you, Tracy, for sharing this tip! It looks WONDERFUL! :) Marsha

  2. Thank you for sharing! I think it's a gorgeous roof. I'll copycat the idea.

  3. The house is looking great. I have to think outside the box all the time as there is no stores near me other than Wal-mart and even if there were I do not have funds available to buy. So I have to make do with what I have on hand. It is surprising what you can come up with out of nothing.

  4. Glad that you enjoyed this tip!! It was so much fun doing this house. I am so glad I keep pictures of them because I'd never let them leave my side otherwise!

