Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Add Details To Your Dollhouse Miniatures w/Spackle

Do you have some Spackle laying around from a project in your real life house? This Month, I want ot focus on Several Things I use light weight Spackle for. Today, you'll need the following:

1. Light weight Spackle
2. Brass Stencil Design (I use the brass ones because it is the right depth)
3. Spackle Knife

What you would do:

1. Pick the stencil design you desire and lay it flat on the item you wish to have that
detail on.

2. Load your knife with Spackle

3. Smooth the Spackle over the design of the brass Stencil so that the Spackle is flush
and smooth over the design

4. Wait two minutes and then remove the stencil (this allows time for it to dry and set
a little).

5. After 30 minutes you can then paint over your stencil design and enjoy the new

This is a picture of a Spackle knife:


  1. What a cool idea! Thank you for sharing it.

  2. That looks great! Thanks for sharing this idea.

  3. Very cool!! I'll have to try this sometime.

  4. Tracy! You have just shown me the beginning of how I can remodel my own haveli!THANK YOU!

  5. Now that's a neat idea! Never would've thought of that!

  6. Thanks for the fantastic tip!


  7. Glad to have inspired you all!! I need to add the other ways I use spackle! So much to do... So Little time!
