Sunday, March 15, 2009

Greenleaf Spring Fling Dollhouse

I am working on the New Miniature item that Greenleaf will release this coming week for the Spring Fling Contest. All I can say is it is made of wood, it's a miniature and it is very unique. The reveal day is on the first day of Spring so be sure to stop by and see what it is!! I LOVE Surprises and know you will be Surprised about this one!


  1. Oh Tracy, how exciting! I always loved the first day of Spring anyway and now I have another reason.

  2. I'm a newbie to the world of miniature crafting and am thrilled to happen across your blog. Your work is lovely, Tracy. I can't wait to see what you come up with for the Spring Fling contest!

  3. Tank you Both for your comments! I am so excited about this new project from Greenleaf that I am just bursting cause I want to share the pictures of the one I just completed. Welcome to the Miniature Community MT and stop by the greenleaf forum!!
