Friday, March 20, 2009

Greenleaf Dollhouses Spring Fling

It is now official! Greenleaf has Sprung another Wonderful contest kit for us! You can find details here on the Greenleaf Dollhouses forum The picture above is of the one I did up for the contest picture. You may recognize the guy holding the cola bottle because he is one of my construction workers who helped in building the Pierce Dollhouse Kit. This is the place he comes to to get away from the fast pace life of working in the city. This was such a fun build!! The kit goes together very quickly too. To see more pictures of the one I did for Greenleaf, click the picture below! Here is the Direct Link to Purchase the kit at their Store



  1. I forgot to ask, where can the kits be found for sale? I followed the link but could not find sales information.

  2. This shack isn't shabby at all! Loved how it turned out. The little animals add such life to the little scene.

    Happy First of Spring,

  3. Thanks so much for your kind comments!! To buy this kit click here
