Monday, February 2, 2009

Brimbles Mercantile Dollhouse Kit Porch & Roof

Well, I added the porch parts and the main roof and the dormer roof to this dollhouse kit. Everything is beginning to take shape. This is the front:

This is the back:This is the side:
This is the inside with my "Edward Cullen" action figure from Twilight
:) I just put him in here because I noticed that the ceiling height was so high and it is just great. The ceiling height is 10" high. I totally recommend this kit if you can find one. It has been discontinued for about 9 years now.


  1. Cant wait to see what else you do to this dollhouse! It's going to be so neat!

  2. Such an interesting blog! you are so good, I appreciate the room box/corner iside the card, an appealingidea for a small present. Thank you for sharing

  3. This dollhouse would make a good dance studio for me!

  4. This dollhouse would make a good dance studio I think!
