Sunday, December 28, 2008

My Doll Passion Not just dollhouses

Most people think that since I am known for my dollhouses that the only hobby that really captures my heart is Miniatures. Well, I was actually a doll collector before I became a Miniaturist. There is just something so special to me about dolls. Baby dolls, women dolls, men dolls, Barbie dolls, Christine Orange dolls, Rustie Dolls, Pamela Erff, Robert Tonner, Mel Odum, Madame Alexander.... Ohh The list goes on and on!!

It was so funny. I had dollhouses without dolls inside. Why??? Well I thought I could not picture myself in the room or a scene if there was a doll present in that house. For Years, I never put a doll in a scene. Then, a friend of mine, Chris V (as us mini friends of hers know her as) invited me over to her house and I got to see her roomboxes which she had displayed all over her house. She had Fabulous scenes with people in them!

One teashop scene she had really drew my attention. It had a soft sculpture doll in it by Margaret Tees and I was in LOVE with that doll (Even offered to buy it from her LOL ). Chris gave me Margaret's eBay name and she had dolls up for auction and I won one. It got here so fast and every since I got one of those dolls, I started collecting dolls in miniature too. This mini doll addiction just started about 5 years ago but I have over 20 dolls from her alone now.

This is the Contemporary doll collection

These are my Medieval dolls she made me

These are my Egyptian Dolls she made for me

These are some of the ones I won off of eBay over the past years. I have about 4 more but they are in my daughters room right now because they live in there dollhouse :)

Here is a link to see more of the dolls I have in my collection. I will up date this very soon as I just started back taking pictures of my doll collection :)


  1. the dolls have such wonderful personality!

  2. Thanks so much!! I Just Love dolls! I was looking at your dolls today. They are Wonderful!!
