Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Medieval Miniature Dollhouse Castle Created in 2012

I was looking at my blog again today and realized I have so many things Ive created over the past few years but have never blogged about it. One of them is a Medieval Castle Tower I made from scratch for a Client of mine. One day she sent me a message asking me what I was working on. At that moment, I wasn't working on anything and had decided to take time off that year to create only things and ideas that had been stuck in my head for years. The idea of a Castle tower thrilled her.

Her Castle tower was inspired by Rik Pierce's "Norman Castle" class he did at the Tom Bishop show. I saw it the first time I attended the Bishop Miniature show. I was so very excited about it because he told me he had taught it as a class project. The sad part was that I missed out on it but he told me he would do another class the following year.

Well, the next Spring, I took the class "Snape's Dungeon". I was hooked on Creative paper clay form that time forward. The problem was, I couldn't keep the Tower out of my head. I sent an email to Rik about it and he sent me pictures of his tower and sold me the casts from it. He told me he had faith that one day I could create my own version of that Castle. Seven years later, I took out that picture and created my version of it. I called it the "Dragon Castle Tower".

My castle was wider and larger because I wanted more space for my customer to decorate it. I didn't do a Moat or drawbridge. But we were both very pleased with how it turned out. She had a doll artist create several dolls for it and shared pictures of them with me via Facebook last year sometime. Here are the pictures of my Tower. I plan to make another one in the future. There are things I want to change on it.

Anyway, I thought I'd share this because it is a piece of work that I haven't shared here online. I post most things on InstaGram now. You can visit me there by clicking here. MinisOnTheEdge Instagram. I was happy I started on it before I had my car accident later that year.  Had I waited, It probably wouldn't have been built.

Thank you for stopping by to read my blog. Wishing you all a Fabulous day.

Tracy Topps