Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Medieval Lighthouse Rik Pierce Class Project

I took a class back in 2007 at the Chicago Tom Bishop Miniature show and it has been sitting covered in my workroom every since. Most of it was complete but, I was working on projects for customers and just set my house aside.

Last year, I decided to work on it but after the car accident last summer, it just made my other health issues harder to bear and I did mostly nothing. Last week, I was having an extremely good day. Hadn't had one in so long that I dusted my project off took pictures and got busy on it.

I Love this project because I took it with two of my friends from Greenleaf so we all have this rare class project by Rik. He only taught it for our class and that means there were under 20 of these world wide. Anyway, after a little over a week, the pictures show where I started and where I am at with it right now.

I hope to be finished sometime next week. I hope you enjoy the pictures and Thank You for viewing my Blog!