Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Coventry Cottage Dollhouse Build Blog Day 1 & 2

The following blog is of the Coventry Cottage created by Greenleaf Dollhouses. It is a really cool kit and is very versatile. If you can visualize something in you minds eye, you can create it. This house inspired me to add or change things that are not on the box cover. I built this kit and did this blog back in the Spring of 2006. Follow along with me as I build this kit!

17 March 2006
Posted by Minis On The Edge
Looking for Ideas Day 1 Part 1

 Well, I have had this in the box for about 3 weeks and I keep changing my mind on how I want this one to be done. My first thought was to try to tole paint it similar to the one Sally Eckel did for Greenleaf. There used to be a decorating packet by her that shows you how to create your own original like hers pictured below.

Then I decided that I wanted to create a tower where the porch is at. But, as with all of my projects,  they seem to sometimes have a mind of their own. I hope you enjoy following me on this new journey of creating & Bashing (dollhouse editing)  a Coventry cottage. I hope to inspire everyone and encourage you so that you can see that you can make YOUR Dollhouse Dream House different from the one that appears on your kit box. 

Last night was the first day I had to finally get started on my Coventry Cottage. I was still thinking to myself, "Will I have a tower, if so how can I make the adaptions quickly since I have only a limited amount of time to work on this one." I have been reading the instructions trying to come up with ideas and decided last night it was time to start the build.

I Love this kit and this will be my third time building it but my first time bashing it. This kit is fun and it sort of lock together. Greenleaf made a couple houses that has this same interlocking system such as the Cantebury and the Story Book Cottages. The tabs on some parts are longer and helps to create the "raised" foundation.
Here is the first step showing the front wall.

See the long tabs? It is so important to slide this as far as you can because it can mess up the entire alignment of the house (roof and all :blink: )

It is very good to glue it when you are directed to glue it in the instructions so that you will not have any shifting . This is the center wall that locks into place.

This house has one Small tricky part and it is locking the second floor in place. These instructions are updated because the picture in the instructions is MUCH more clear on what to do and how to do it. Here are a couple of pictures of how this is done. 

This one shows the right wall:

17 March 2006

Posted by Minis On The Edge
Day 2 Bay Windows

I started on the Bay Windows. I have also decided to add an extra room to and omit the porch. I created a wall in the front that will have the front door.

This house has one BIG tricky part and it is with the bay windows. It is almost impossible to assemble it with out breaking a part. You can glue it back together and it will be almost as good as new. Don't panic if this happens :blink: . Every time I have built this kit and the Storybook Cottage, I break one of the window sills or another part of the bay window structure. A little glue and a lot of sanding afterwards and you'll have a smooth finish that does not show the break. ;) 

In the picture below, I was thinking about adding a false wall on the side that opened up so that you could see the hallway.  

Well, after looking harder and also building it, my mind started thinking something else. I closed the wall up and open up the kitchen wall

I will be adding paper clay to this house too.

Thank you for stopping by to read my blog!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Building the Un Haunted Dollhouse Kit Completed!!

26 September 2005
Posted by Minis On The Edge
Shadow Cliff Completed

Well, I have been having so much fun with this house. It is a shame I can't get outside to take some decent pictures of the house since it is still raining and there is a overcast outside B) .

This is the way the UN-Haunted house looks so far.  I "think" I am finished. I added a hand made rose vine to the front of the house and a "mossy" covering around the cave entry way. I added "wisps of smoke" to the chimney pots I made. This was a fast and fun build. I did not use the instructions because I did not like the format. I don't like to read instructions and I found these hard to read for some strange reason LOL. I am known for not reading directions even when I buy stuff from IKEA. My husband makes me put them together cause I almost always throw out instructions (Before we assemble so that is a problem for him LOL)

The house was so simple to put together that the instructions were not needed. Ummmm, I just remembered, I have not put the furniture that came with this kit together yet (Where are those instruction :o:o <_< ). Please enjoy the pictures of what I have done! I can't wait to see what you all do to your kits. Remember, if you can dream it, it can be done!

Here are better and bigger pictures of this finished house:

Thank you for taking the time to View my blog!! If You are interested in having me create you your very own custom dollhouse cottage, please feel free to contact me by clicking the email envelop by the comment section.


Building The Un Haunted Dollhouse Kit Days 2 - 5

08 September 2005
Posted by Minis On The Edge
Day two Paperclay Work

Today, I started adding the paper clay on all the side walls and on the base. If you have read my previous blogs, you know how I do this. I will clay the entire house before I even start painting it. I am also waiting for lights before I finish the insides. So far, I have only added the floor to the insides

I decided to add "crazy" brick to the porch floor. This is brick laid with no rhyme or reason but creates a nice uniform pattern anyway.

also started adding the roof shingles (Clay again cause I love the effect it gives)
The cave will have a fireplace and a side stone shelf. I made the shell of it by using foam board again. I have not made the fireplace yet.

14 September 2005 
Posted by Minis On The Edge
Day Three 

I started looking at my cave and wondering what I could do to add something different. The corner looked so bare and I decided to make a shelf there.


Here is the shelf before the clay was added

I did not want to sculpt stones down in the cave so I decided to add more pieces left over from the cup holders randomly on the walls so that when I add the clay there will be parts sticking out.

I know where I want the candle lights to go and I decided to add a fireplace which will have a flickering light and it also makes the other lights in the house flicker a little. <_< I just cut it out of foam board (1' thick) and it looked like this
I decided I liked it here better:

I added paper clay to the cave
I then started adding clay to the roof

More to come soon!!! Thank you For stopping by to view my blog!!

19 September 2005 
Posted by Minis On The Edge
Day 4 Shadow Cliff House 

Well, I have finally decided to name my House Shadow Cliff House. I have added the lights and did a dirty wash on the house outside. Take a look

The fireplace flickers too! More to come soon! Maybe, later on today!

20 September 2005 
Posted by Minis On The Edge
Day 5 Shadow Cliff House 

I have added the chimney stack and some stone around the windows. It is now beginning to look like home 

I will started painting this house and as I have said in the past, the paint is what makes the house comes to life. Here is a picture with more colors being added

I was going to do a how too regarding the stain glass windows because I used real lead but I deleted the pictures by mistake. Sorry :o <_< This is not the finished house though I am really close to being finished now. I know, it looks like it can be a creepy house but you have not seen the flowers yet. I don't picture this house as a haunted house at all. The story I created for this house is as follows (It may seem  like a weird thing to some, but everyone of my creations has a story that I form as I build):

This cottage is owned by single artist/writer. He has been living here for a while and he love the cliffs because they inspire him. He played here as a kid during school breaks because his grandparents lived nearby and one day, he got lost in the cave below. His grandpa found him hours later. Because he knew how adventurous his grand son could be, he knew just where to look. 

As years went by, that cave became the favorite hideout. He would write and sometimes, his grandpa would come down and they would talk about the days activities or anything important that was on his mind.  Years later, when his grandfather died, he found that his grandfather had purchased the above house and even left him money to repair it to make it livable.  He decided that this was where he wanted to  live so that he could help take care of his aging grandma.

Anyway, that is just a short part of the story but it's been a fun build so far. Hope you are having a Wonderful evening!

Tracy ~ MinisOnTheEdge.com