Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Dollhouse Miniature Wall "Hang-Ups"

 Sometimes, I find it hard to figure out what to make for someone. Every now and again, I feel like creating something special for someone and I love to create something that shares my love of minis with them.

I have found a lot of joy in creating Wall "Hang-Ups" for my friends. I made this one for a friend just to let her know she was on my mind. It was so much fun because I knew she'd get a kick out of having the Vines and stucco with exposed brick showing. I made the door myself because she has gone through something special that opened up a new "door" in her life.

The funny thing is that she loves minis too and when she saw the door she "got it" right away that this was a symbol of the new start she'd be able to have.

Have you been working on any fun  & quick projects this month? Please share it with us and post the link in your comment so we can see it!!

I hope you all are having a Wonderful September!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Miniature Castle Gift

Last weekend, a friend of mine got married. It's amazing how fast young girls blossom into beautiful young women right before my eyes! I wanted to do something a little different for her because she has always reminded me of a Princess. Even as an adult, her style reminds me of something Princess Diana would wear. Even the way she carries herself and the way she dresses reminds me of a princess. So, I decided to make her a little Castle Tower. Here is a picture I was able to take of it before it left my house.

You can click the picture below to see the rest of the pictures of it:

 Castle by Tracy Topps

Monday, September 6, 2010

Apple Tree Cottage Dollhouse

Every now and again, I'll look at a dollhouse kit and see many different things that it can become. Many of you know I love to edit the Greenleaf dollhouse kits because I love the challenge of making them look different. I have never built a Greenleaf kit exactly per the instructions. Back when I started building them though, I had no idea it was called "Kit Bashing" and that it was something people did when they wanted to change the look of the kit they had purchased. 

Well, once again, I took the ordinary kit called "The Primrose"

And I turned it into this which I call "The Apple Tree Cottage"

It was a fun build. I move the door, added height to the upstairs room and added a dormer window to give that room more light. You can see more pictures by clicking the picture below:

Apple Tree Cottage by Tracy Topps