Wednesday, January 27, 2010

American Miniaturist Dollhouse Magazine

Today, I went to the Mailbox to pick up my mail and as usual, I gave the mail to my youngest daughter because there were Magazines. Imagine her surprise when she got to page 23 of the February 2010 issue of American Miniaturist magazine and discovered the dolls she created in print on that page! When she finally discovered her name in print on the page also, she could not contain herself. She burst out singing her favorite line in the song from the Disney Movie Aladdin "A Whole New World" LOL.

In 2008 (I think it was 2008 LOL) when the girls were on break from school, we created little baby dolls from Polymer Clay. I sent the tutorial to Marlene of and the next thing I knew, I got an email from the editors of AM magazine that I was featured in the February issue this year. I had no idea Marlene had even submitted this tutorial and then when I finally got home and turned to page 86 and saw that my house "Whispering Cove" was featured also, I was blown away. A HUGE Big "Thank You" To Marlene Buffington (Who always encourage & inspire me to try harder ) & Alice Bell for writing this article that was featured in American Miniaturist Magazine. I was so worried about what it would say because I did not "know" about it. I just sent pictures to Marlene as always and Marlene is so observant and conversational, via email & phone calls that she picks up everything and brings it all together (cause she knows I'm kinda shy when it comes to me talking about myself or my work).

This was a HUGE surprise for my Girls & myself. Now, the only problem is, they both want to take the Magazine to school tomorrow (two different schools) and I only have one magazine at the moment LOL. Looks like we'll be flipping a coin in the morning.

I also want to say "Thank You" to my customer Kathy for letting my imagination run wild with this house. It was a Fun project and you were Beautiful to work with! You can buy your own copy of this magazine at There are even some wonderful & beautiful Quarter Scale houses featured in this article! There is also some Gorgeous pottery in miniature scale from Joyce Sterk, an Egyptian burial chamber  created by Sandy Mirque, and Gatle Barillargeon kit bashed a Quarter scale model rail road cottage kit! There is more stuff than what I have listed but alas, I must go read to the girls who are still awake and waiting on me. Hope you all have a GREAT night and Thanks for stopping y to read my blog.

If you all create the dolls from the tutorial, please share the link of your pictures with us in the comment section please! My girls would love to see the pictures (Me too LOL).

Monday, January 25, 2010

P90X Workouts WORK! Lean Version Schedule

P90X is a workout program that I started doing March 2009. I completed my 90 days of workouts in June 2009 and was very pleased with the results. The first time I did P90X, I did the Lean version and though I love the classic version that I did during the summer, I have found that the lean version works best for me and so I have decided that today is the day for me to start back again! This month started out super busy and so once again, I am starting the last week of January to work out.  I plan to start the lean version stay on the lean one for the full 90 days and then do the classic schedule of work outs after I complete this.

I typed out the schedule below because I have lost this schedule several times and could not find it online again without buying it. I have several friends I have met online who also lost their copy and today is the day we are starting it. I picked P90X to start with. What are the rest of you gonna do to start this year off  to a great start towards physical health? Please post about it in your blogs.  The schedule for the Lean Version starts like this:

Phase 1
Weeks 1,2,3
Day 1 - Core Synergistics
Day 2 - Cardio X
Day 3 - Shoulders & Arms (and Ab Ripper X)
Day 4 - Yoga
Day 5 - Legs & Back, Ab Ripper X
Day 6 - Kenpo X
Day 7 - Rest (or X Stretch)

Week 4 (RECOVERY Week)
Day 1 - Yoga X
Day 2 - Core Synergistics
Day 3 - Kenpo X
Day 4 - X Stretch
Day 5 - Cardio X
Day 6 - Yoga X
Day 7 - Rest or X Stretch

Phase 2
Week 5,6,7
Day 1 - Core Synergistics
Day 2 - Cardio X
Day 3 - Chest, Shoulders & Triceps, Ab Ripper X
Day 4 - Yoga X
Day 5 - Legs & Back, Ab Ripper X
Day 6 - Kenpo X
Day 7 - Rest or X Stretch

Week 8 (RECOVERY Week)
Day 1 - Yoga X
Day 2 - Core Synergistics
Day 3 - Kenpo X
Day 4 - X Stretch
Day 5 - Cardio X
Day 6 - Yoga X
Day 7 - Rest or X Stretch

Phase 3 
Please notice weeks 9 & 11 you do things one way and weeks 10 & 12 you do the other ones

Weeks 9, 11
Day 1 - Chest & Back, Ab Ripper X
Day 2 - Cardio X
Day 3 - Shoulders & Arms, Ab Ripper X
Day 4 - Yoga X
Day 5 - Core Synergistics
Day 6 - Kenpo X
Day 7 - Rest or X Stretch

Weeks 10, 12
Day 1- Chest Shoulders & Triceps, Ab Ripper X
Day 2 - Cardio X
Day 3 - Back & Biceps, Ab Ripper X
Day 4 - Yoga X
Day 5 - Core synergistics
Day 6 - Kenpo X
Day 7 - Rest or X Stretch

Week 13 (Recovery Week)

Day 1 - YogaX
Day 2 - Core synergistics
Day 3 - Kenpo X
Day 4 - X Stretch
Day 5 - Cardio
Day 6 - Yoga
Day 7 - Rest or X Stretch

Last week I received a email from regarding the benefits of P90X. Also, last week on Good Morning America, they rated the P90X program at a B+  It really works if you work it. Here is a link to the article

Yesterday, my husband and I started our "Latin Dance" class and it was so fun! My husband is Rythmatically challenged (I told him there is no such word as Rythmatically but, he liked the sound of that better than my stating he is rhythmless LOL). We took the class with some of our friends and it was fun and crazy. I can feel the rythm and I love to dance but, when you are learning to do the "Salsa" and the person leading finds it hard to "feel" the music, it causes a funny scene in the class for sure LOL. We practiced for an hour after we got home and he is MUCH better. We will practice a couple of times every day because we will learn a total of 4 dances all together.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Quarter Scale Dollhouse Sugarplum

s is a Quarter Scale dollhouse I did for a customer last year. I am so sorry that the pictures did not come out that great because this house was so cute! I made one of these a couple of years ago and my Customer saw pictures of it and wanted one for herself but she wanted different colors. I had to edit it a little because these are from the Greenleaf Village kits and the back part of them are closed but we wanted it edited to be a 1/4th scale dollhouse which is close to "O" scale for train layouts. Again, my pictures are not the best but I know sometimes I would rather see a picture than no picture at all so here they are:

Quarter Scale Sugarplum 2009

Before I added the door trim:

Quarter Scale Sugarplum 2009

Quarter Scale Sugarplum 2009

Quarter Scale Sugarplum 2009

Hope you all are having a Wonderful Evening!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Moonbeam Toyshop Dollhouse

It's always fun to bring a dollhouse project to life but, it is even more fun when a customer gives me the story behind the project that they have commissioned me to build. She told me about the type of toys that would be in this shop. She also mentioned that she wanted a wallpaper that had moon & stars in it. Because I have worked with her before, I knew she loved cats so my plan for this creation was set. I even made the door window that says "Moonbeam Cottage Toy Shop" .

A customer of mine asked me last year to build her a Cottage named after her Cat (Moonbeam). This cottage was to become a toyshop named after her "Honored Furbaby". She even sent me pictures of Moonbeam. She selected some Great wallpaper prints from Itsy Bitsy Mini  (They have Great wallpapers) and she let me know she wanted this house to be brighter and she wanted a fence in front. This is how this house evolved with Green grass and friendly cats waiting to greet any customers coming through.

She let me know right away that she was so pleased with the cottage! It's always so Great to know that a customer is pleased with the house.  She started adding things to this shop right away. Here are some shots of this house:

I use Creative paper clay for the grass. I just textured it and painted it various colors to get the effect I was looking for.